Lachis wrote:Faleene wrote:rinron wrote:my buddies and i were running ZF the other night and the event bugged out and the boss door closed after opening, but a GM answered my ticket in SECONDS and opened the door up for us.
was pretty impressed
my buddies and i were running MC the other night and the event bugged out and the boss never spawned, but a GM answered my ticket in never and still never
was pretty impressed
Metzu wrote:We're glad to see that our players are enjoying our hardworked project
I appreciate the hard work you are doing. However stuff like the below thread makes me think I should start not appreciating it.
Only a few people are avaliable to the required commands that are needed in this case, so what we mainly focus is the fix, and not temporarily fix for the individuals.
It's too risky for an owner to give ranks out to his staff that is abuseable. Mainly because the staff is as new as it is, so trust has not been gained 100% yet.