give paladins divine storm

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Re: give paladins divine storm

by DGProbe99 » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:39 am

Sure, paladins did have some spells removed between beta and release, but so did other classes. Paladins also got talents in return for losing a few skills. Paladins and Hunters had no talents at all in the game until the release patch. I would assume blizzard at the time felt that the talents made up for the lost abilities.
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by kovenant » Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:06 am

showtime wrote:because of one man before the game came out.

and now because of one man it should be reimplemented?
that makes you seem like who?
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Switchblade » Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:37 am

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Re: give paladins divine storm

by NerZhulen » Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:48 am

showtime wrote:its not a what if its true its true just look it up

the spells are still in the game, go look at paladins in strath live and sm

i know what you mean by slippery slope but paladins got robbed because of one man before the game came out. it would be nice if we could get restored. he also hated shamans and druids

Shamans were considered the most OP class in the vanilla wow.
Paladins are the most played class of all.
And druids were known to like never ever die in PvP

Your arguments seem totaly legit. word.
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by bishop » Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:35 pm

NerZhulen wrote:Shamans were considered the most OP class in the vanilla wow.
Paladins are the most played class of all.
And druids were known to like never ever die in PvP

Had to cuckle when i read those facts, cos its exactly how i saw those classes back in retail vanilla.
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Dessel » Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:52 pm

Well, frost shock kiting was ridicilous before diminishing returns.

Anyways, the OP brings up a valid point as vanilla was bad in the class balance department. For me, the vanilla experience is about the "chore"; how we're forced to cooperate if we want to achieve anything, aswell as the content and class roles. That being said, some specs and even classes (hunter) are downright broken, with the apparent solutions introduced later. Hunters needed steady shot, with a down-scaling of other abilities. Ret needed another button, shaman needed cheaper healing spells etc.

At the end of the day it's a question of principle I guess... Do we want the whole package with it's obvious flaws, or do we adjust certain things? I for one think that for example the damage and health values of raid mobs/bosses will have to be upscaled for it to present any challenge at all. But where to draw that line?
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by showtime » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:03 pm

shaman doesnt need a cheaper heal its called down ranking

also ele shamans are op but not as op as a warlock. and druids suck in general in vanilla dont tell me they are good they are complete trash

i say we draw the line at restoring ret paladins to the way before the kid got hired from everquest and ruined it for us wow players. nothing else needs to change. maybe give us divine storm to make up for our troubles
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by DGProbe99 » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:08 pm

I say we don't mess with paladins. They are already the most played class on retail and most private servers. Id rather have the full experience, flaws and all, than change things I or other do not like.
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by showtime » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:09 pm

"Furor and Tigole hated hybrid classes. Their anti-hybrid stance was notorious in Everquest. Furor was an obnoxious baby who organized server crash protests because Paladins out-tanked him in the EQ Planes of Power expansion. He was a loudmouthed brat who didn't care a lick about taking all the fun out of the game for other people.

Tigole was his best friend.

When Vivendi bought Blizzard, much of Blizzard's developing talent left. Some of these were Diablo and Starcraft developers. They went to various other projects, including Hellgate: London and Arenanet. It's unclear whether they were fired, or merely quit.

With several of the original WoW developers gone, these two geniuses were suddenly in positions of influence, in a game with three hybrid classes. Two guys who crashed servers because, for whatever petty and childish reason, they saw red whenever someone with a mana bar out-tanked Furor's pwecious warrior.

Talk about a perfect storm.

Then the class nerfs began.

Paladins suffered from nerf after nerf, beginning with a complete gutting of the class one week before the end of open beta. This culminated in a class review wherein the class was outright lied to by CMs, their forum trolls were praised, and almost none of their major concerns were addressed. They became a pure support class, almost identical to the Everquest Cleric. Big surprise, nobody wants to play them, either. Seen how many endgame WoW Ret Paladins there are? The latest Judgement of the Wise nerf only proves the point. Many will quit or reroll. Having your class being treated like a diseased dog for 3+ years with promises of "no nerfs, just tweaks" and then being lied to just doesn't sit well."

we pay because of this mother fuckers who nerfed us. all of you are on his side
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Re: give paladins divine storm

by Keftenk » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:13 pm

Why are you even bothering? If your attempt is to be an insufferable troll, great. Sadly, it won't change the view of the developers.

If you want something like this then head on over to Corecraft. After they release their TBC server that team has already stated that they are going to do vanilla WoW "the way they envisioned it to be". Which I'm assuming is an all around balance tweak.

You might be happy over 10 years.
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