Too worried about optimization

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Re: Too worried about optimization

by Souldrinkah » Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:00 pm

It's hard to define 'fun'. What is fun for you probably or possibly isn't fun for somebody else, we are different.
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Re: Too worried about optimization

by Xylon666Darkstar » Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:08 pm

Rhauvin wrote:Bit of a difference between cutting edge retail progression and a private server where values are off, raids are bugged to fuck and the content is 10 years old. You can quite easily bring ret paladins/boomkins to a raid and clear just fine.

Definitely you have no Fucking clue or experience in what you're talking about.
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Re: Too worried about optimization

by Harn » Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:53 pm

If you were around during vanilla, you saw what worked, and what didn't. Maybe you made some ignorant choices at the time...hung with the wrong crowd...had a know.

But this server is like our own personal version of 21 jump street. Now you get to go back and kick ass with what you know. It's hard to make the same errors a second time, when the "best way" to do things is painfully obvious.

Or you could be like me and give zero facks. Druid for life. You all want my stealth kitty tickles.
Cut the slow dancin' and start the bromancin'. Join ShadowSpire Clan today.

Re: Too worried about optimization

by Norjak » Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:05 am

Kemosabi wrote:Browsing the forums (and it's the same for all the forums I've lurked on) I notice a lot of people frozen by the proposition of choosing the most "optimized" class.

Nost has thousands of players online at any given time, and several times that amount registered with an active account. It's not surprising that a few players are motivated enough to make a post on the forums seeking that kind of information. It may seem like everybody's doing it when you read the forums, but have some perspective.
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Re: Too worried about optimization

by Diametra » Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:37 am

Kemosabi wrote: People are so concerned with choosing the "best" class that it takes away the essence of the game. .

This is the sticky part. What the "essence" of the game is, can mean quite different things to different people.
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Re: Too worried about optimization

by Rhauvin » Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:22 am

Xylon666Darkstar wrote:
Rhauvin wrote:Bit of a difference between cutting edge retail progression and a private server where values are off, raids are bugged to fuck and the content is 10 years old. You can quite easily bring ret paladins/boomkins to a raid and clear just fine.

Definitely you have no Fucking clue or experience in what you're talking about.

If your saying you cant clear raids on a PS with a ret or a boomkin then you "have no Fucking clue or experience in what you're talking about" sunshine

Re: Too worried about optimization

by Setup » Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:35 am

You can clear AQ/naxx with bad hybrids in the raid, even if you increase the HP of the bosses by millions, or show up with 35-man group.

Straight through naxx, this isn't a hard game. The only real challenge is getting 40 people to show up on time two or three times a week.

If you want to get people to show up, a good start is encouraging them to play something they enjoy.
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Re: Too worried about optimization

by holkan » Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:13 pm

Setup wrote:You can clear AQ/naxx with bad hybrids in the raid, even if you increase the HP of the bosses by millions, or show up with 35-man group.

Straight through naxx, this isn't a hard game. The only real challenge is getting 40 people to show up on time two or three times a week.

If you want to get people to show up, a good start is encouraging them to play something they enjoy.

I tend to agree, however theres alot of shitty players and having the best classes / races / profs / consumables helps clear the content when under geared for it aka cutting progression or simply when you just have really bad players in your raid that you need to make up for.

You might say just boot the bad players but for alot of guilds and situations thats not an option.

Re: Too worried about optimization

by Blackadder » Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:02 pm

Kemosabi wrote:Well said. I understand his point now.

I'll give you a personal example.

On another x1 xp server I made a warrior and I regret that choice. I put hundreds of hours into that warrior and I had fun leveling up and being a popular character for 5 man dungeons. But at lvl 60 I didn't enjoy it that much anymore. Tanking would become a serious business and getting the required gear (+ resistance stuff) would put too much of a burden on my (limited) play time. DPS warrior? I felt like a rogue, but with worse talents and clunky heavy armor, not fast and agile like an actual rogue. PVP? I felt weak. I saw successful pvp warriors, but they all had high pvp rank gear rank 11-14 or end game pve gear.

I felt a warrior is only a fun character for somebody with a lot of time. I would roll a rogue, or ranged dps character if I had the choice again.

That's why ' min - max ' topics can be useful even for casual players. You learn what you can expect.
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Re: Too worried about optimization

by Viorus » Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:47 pm

There's having fun playing and then there's worrying about being the best. Learn from your mistakes and enjoy yourself. Calm down you don't have to be 100% optimal to succeed.

All classes have their pros/cons. Choose the one you like the most. LISTEN to advise about talents / gear. People have been there / done that.
Viorin, 60 Night Elf Druid (USA), Knight-Champion

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