Dear OrangeTheLord,
I value your efforts to put Nostalrius into a correct light, even though I mostly disagree with your
reddit post. In the following statement I make some remarks to your work but please don't feel offended by them, they are just simple observations and shall not serve to discredit you in anyway, only to reflect some aspects.
First to your post there:
1) I don't think the core community around here is immature and your false view is only because you are here for such a short time. 2 Weeks ago, this place was the home to maturity. Now the hype is there, a lot of people are attracted and that is good. Some of them don't bring the right attitude and I agree with you there,
but this was to be predicted. If Kronos would have set launch date first, those people where over at Kronos now, but since they haven't, they are now here. To really evaluate the statements of people, just look at their registration date in the forum and you will see that most people who are here longer than a 3 weeks, are the people that only want the best vanilla server, be it Nost or Kronos. They surely have an opinion but they are not lying as you suggest.
2) The censor thing is simply wrong, as you know from the comments in the reddit thread, still YOU are spreading lies about "censorship" here. There has never been an deleted Account or deleted post here and the question of "censorship" was never before raised. I don't know about Kronos forum (very well) and I only heard (a lot) of rumors that censorship there is a more vital discussion topic.
3) Matter of auctions
Account selling will happen anyway, we agree. For reasons also mentioned in the comments over there, I agree that selling accounts is principally not good. So I personally like people to be afraid of being scammed, because this might hinder (some) people to buy Accounts and principally they deserve to be scammed (ok, that's very harsh). They should level as anybody else and buying Accounts was a problem in vanilla WoW but "Instant LvL x" was never intended by Blizzard.
Now to the question why Nost is better.
Heck, most people don't know if Nost is better, because they didn't play both servers and those who do have a mostly biased opinion. When I look at the Kronos forum, I also see people spreading lies as shit, pretending the test where no success, when they where. But that is not the matter for me. I don't pick on the bad apples over there (like you do here, no offense meant!, see point 1).
For me there is only one reason why Nost seems to be better and that is that the devs have a damn clear view of what they are doing. They simply said: "We think we are good to go, we will test PVP, than have two PVE session, than a Hack session and then look farward to release." And hell, that's what they are doing. They are mature and competend developers that actually have project experience.
This thread should convince you (starting at the post from Viper on first page). This is just not from what I am seeing over at Kronos. They don't meet deadlines, have little progress and the dev's don't focus on development but also do community work, when it's actually time to code. But please, read the thread.
This doesn't in anyway proof that Nost > Kronos and nothing will, until we have Nost up and running (and of cause can compare it to Kronos). Everyone dedicated to vanilla and is not too angered about the other community (a purpose you sadly enforce), will join the best vanilla server, be it Nost or Kronos. And that is from someone who never posted a word on Kronos forum (of cause I read it), is not liking most of the people over there and has dedicated a LOT of work in this forum (simply check my posts).
/Edit: Since you claim to be unbiased, I'd like you to remove the statement that there's censorship here, because it a bare misinformation (as you know since you posted here more then once now^^).
Furthermore I hope that the best server (and of cause the best argument) will win you