by Aquane » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:16 am
if you play a shaman juuust right you can do very high PvE dps for some fights, but mediocre dps for others; I won't elaborate ITT, but whether you do it that way or go elem ranged dps, you'll go oom pretty fast
for retadins you can do high dps but only at very high gear levels, at least BWL/AQ40 gear with T 2.5 and/or GM gear, idk how their mana is but they can also get judgements, notably wisdom and light
horde gets windfury totem and SoE((88.55 strength talented+AQ), which makes their warriors do insane damage and their combat swords rogues like it too; grounding totem is also useful if you're in a caster group, and in a ranged group you can use grace of air(88.55 agil talented+AQ),
alliance get blessing of salvation and might(222 ap talented)+kings
then theres some less important points, such as mana spring vs blessing of wisdom
wisdom is 39.6 mp5 talented with AQ book, mana spring is 12.25 mana per 2 seconds talented, which averages to 30.625 mp5, but then they get mana tide too
if you can stack different totem ranks then shamans become better for healer groups if you have 2 in a group, even if its just rank 4+rank 3, and shamans would also be better than paladins for melee groups if aggro is not an issue; you could use all those extra shamans to put 2 in a melee group for 2 SoE and GoA+WF, but still for some fights you're gonna want blessing of salvation more than anything else
for tank groups shamans can use windfury and stoneskin totem, which of course aren't always the best totem options; stoneskin is great for tanking tons of non-elites since its flat damage reduction after armor(maximum 50%)
I also hear that healing stream stacks regardless of rank, and that it ain't that bad if you have a bunch of +healing