Definition of Multiboxin

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Re: Definition of Multiboxin

by Redcap » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:25 pm

Hallonkaka wrote:
How about multi-boxing and bots ?
Definition of multi-boxing : Multiboxing is a term used mostly in MMORPGs to refer to playing as multiple separate characters simultaneously, with or without additional programs.
Multi-boxing and bots are forbidden on our server, as it can impact others players moods and the global economy.

Source: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3

Bolded emphasis mine. I don't understand why this is so confusing for people. Nostalrius is taking a stance with Multiboxing being a situation of a player controlling more than one character in the game at any time. It's simple English. In theory if you were to level different characters on their own accounts one at a time in a rotation for rest bonus, and then dual log a pair on in a city to use Enchanting on your characters or pass mats en masse, it's not going to be a big deal.

If you dual log a pair of characters with one on Autofollow while questing, you're taking a chance that an enemy player (probably stealthed) will stalk you and FRAPS record video of your gameplay for 5 to 10 minutes, and then report you for multiboxing. Accounts gone - poof!

I'm just speculating that a player will be safe dual logging in a city for Enchanting. For all we know, they could track ISP's of accounts logged in with an automated check for certain user input. I know of a different server that used something home made that was crude but effective in not catching people outright, but accumulating data reports with the account details of use. Sweeps would happen every 4 months or so, and the tears would flow.
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Re: Definition of Multiboxin

by Patience » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:30 pm

The problem is

"Multiboxing is a term used mostly in MMORPGs to refer to playing as multiple separate characters simultaneously, with or without additional programs."

So having a char on follow while the other one does the killing is by this definition Multi-boxing WITHOUT additional programs.

"Multi-boxing and bots are forbidden on our server..."

No doubt, having a character following another on the same computer with two clients is definitely one form of multi-boxing.

Playing several chars with program = Multi-boxing
Playing several chars without a program = Multi-boxing
Multi-boxing = Forbidden.

Hence logging in on two accounts in the same time = Forbidden.

I just want a dev to answer if we can multi-box to the extent of having a banking character?
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Re: Definition of Multiboxin

by Kaia » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:31 pm

This was Daemon's answer from a thread in November:

Connecting more than one account at the same time, for the same person can be done in several situations. We agree that it may be hard to distinguish which situation is legit or not.

What is not allowed :

Using a third party software to duplicate keyboard actions
Having a few characters online and obviously exploiting some system (PvP abuses for example)
Having one character following another to rush quests, dungeons, ...

What is allowed :

Enchanting one character with another
Trading items (bank characters)
More generally, you should never need to connect 3 or more characters at the same time

So other than bank and enchanting alts, it sounds like multibox is a no-go.
<Vague> NA late night
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Re: Definition of Multiboxin

by Banezilla » Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:28 pm

After reading some of the admin posts, it sounds like it's okay to multibox bank mules and trade skill characters. No leveling or pvp multi boxing.

Admins, please clarify?
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Re: Definition of Multiboxin

by Fichi » Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:30 pm

Banezilla wrote:After reading some of the admin posts, it sounds like it's okay to multibox bank mules and trade skill characters. No leveling or pvp multi boxing.

Admins, please clarify?

I hope there is zero tollerrance against leveling and pvp multi boxing on this realm cause on ED it apparently was allowed and I hated that it just ruins the fun of equality I would say for all don't you agree with me people?

Re: Definition of Multiboxin

by Patience » Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:46 pm

However, multi-boxing was allowed on retail, hence forbidding it would in one way cross the line of being Blizzlike?

Don't get me wrong, I don't like it, but it's true.
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Re: Definition of Multiboxin

by Kaia » Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:52 pm

Patience wrote:However, multi-boxing was allowed on retail, hence forbidding it would in one way cross the line of being Blizzlike?

Don't get me wrong, I don't like it, but it's true.

Prviate servers are little different though, because there is no limitation on the number of free accounts you can have. On retail you had to pay for a second box and a second monthly sub, which meant it was very uncommon to see someone multiboxing. Throughout vanilla I could probably count on one hand the number of multiboxers I ran into.

Whereas on private servers that allow it, it seems like every 3rd person is multiboxing. Personally, I think having no multiboxing at all feels more blizzlike than having multiboxers everywhere.
<Vague> NA late night
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Re: Definition of Multiboxin

by Patience » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:39 pm

Okay, I agree, extreme multiboxing was rare but multiboxing with 2 characters was fairly common and could be seen quite often (at least on a populated server).
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Re: Definition of Multiboxin

by Kaia » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:53 pm

Maybe it depended on the server. I always thought it was a bit of a novelty because I didn't see it often at all (at least not early in the game).
But either way it was definitely a fraction of the number of people who multibox on private servers.

I don't feel strongly about it either way really, just that it's impossible to make it blizzlike whichever route they go. Banning it isn't blizzlike, but neither is having unlimited free accounts.
<Vague> NA late night
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Re: Definition of Multiboxin

by konked » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:56 pm

Kaia wrote:This was Daemon's answer from a thread in November:

Connecting more than one account at the same time, for the same person can be done in several situations. We agree that it may be hard to distinguish which situation is legit or not.

What is not allowed :

Using a third party software to duplicate keyboard actions
Having a few characters online and obviously exploiting some system (PvP abuses for example)
Having one character following another to rush quests, dungeons, ...

What is allowed :

Enchanting one character with another
Trading items (bank characters)
More generally, you should never need to connect 3 or more characters at the same time

So other than bank and enchanting alts, it sounds like multibox is a no-go.

Hopefully they enforce it like this :D
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