Hallonkaka wrote:How about multi-boxing and bots ?
Definition of multi-boxing : Multiboxing is a term used mostly in MMORPGs to refer to playing as multiple separate characters simultaneously, with or without additional programs.
Multi-boxing and bots are forbidden on our server, as it can impact others players moods and the global economy.
Source: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3
Bolded emphasis mine. I don't understand why this is so confusing for people. Nostalrius is taking a stance with Multiboxing being a situation of a player controlling more than one character in the game at any time. It's simple English. In theory if you were to level different characters on their own accounts one at a time in a rotation for rest bonus, and then dual log a pair on in a city to use Enchanting on your characters or pass mats en masse, it's not going to be a big deal.
If you dual log a pair of characters with one on Autofollow while questing, you're taking a chance that an enemy player (probably stealthed) will stalk you and FRAPS record video of your gameplay for 5 to 10 minutes, and then report you for multiboxing. Accounts gone - poof!
I'm just speculating that a player will be safe dual logging in a city for Enchanting. For all we know, they could track ISP's of accounts logged in with an automated check for certain user input. I know of a different server that used something home made that was crude but effective in not catching people outright, but accumulating data reports with the account details of use. Sweeps would happen every 4 months or so, and the tears would flow.