pmizz wrote:The real issue is you're all entitled fuck wads who has no networking or coding experience
This is what you get when you let a person on the internet but no one has the common decency to tell him the shit he types is retarded, and, in many cases, just as bad as the thing hes claiming to fight against.
Well i'll let you know, you sure are fucking retarded.
What gives you the knowledge that I, or anyone else that are disillusioned with the state of the server have "no networking(lol) or coding experience"? And how am I entitled to ask for something promised to me months ago? It doesn't matter if its a free server. Money doesn't have to change hands, there was a social contract. The developers want people to play on their servers, so they gave out a timeline of when things would be released. I rolled on this server because of that timeline. What we have is a betrayal of trust.
Nothing you said makes a single bit of sense logically, all you have is an emotional reaction to protect whatever it is you like about this server. I'd tell you to work on structuring your arguments better, but you strike me as the person who isn't even going to read my post because it'll hurt your poor, poor feelings.