Kamse wrote:If Nostalrius team had just closed the option to do this and given a message about it, then anyone who had used it up until now, would have gotten away with exploiting that bug and all the rep with it.
In other words, Nostalrius team would be telling the server: "You're free to exploit all you can think of. Worst thing that happens is you won't be able to continue doing it."
This action is them saying: "Dont try to be a smartass. Just play the game as it was ment to be."
So suck it up and take your punishment.
Are we supposed to just guess what's allowed and what's not allowed? They could've simply said "What you're doing is against our rules, please stop." and everyone would.
How is it an exploit? It's using the wow API, which as states earlier in the thread, a lot of addOns use. Blizzard didn't think this was an exploit back in the days, so please explain how we would know nos considered this an abuse. Please.
Jesus christ you are stupid.