Aslan wrote:So on one side we have people claiming that you can clear content even with hybrids like ret pallies if for casual and fun playing since the content is easy and goes down anyway (assuming you dont use all dps as hybrid such as feral, enha, ele, firemage, hemo rogue and various other pvp specs). Thats obviously true.
On the other hand there are words on claiming that the utily of a hybrid class such as ret pally doesnt benefit the full efficiency of a raid in a way that makes it superior to another class/spec (e.g. Only useful for 1 or 2 parts of bwl if you dont require your guild to have oil of immolation and stratholme water). Thats obviously true aswell.
And why again are there argumentations?
You know, I've always wondered just how far a "misfit" raid composed majority of offspecs and hybrids could get in Vanilla. You'd still need a few regular healers, but I'd be willing to bet that a raid with no "traditional" DPS specs would still clear content. It'd just be a matter of working out new/different setups and synergies. I've always thought it'd be a more interesting way to approach the content, like figuring it all out brand-new instead of just doing the same thing everyone else has always done. My opinion is in the minority though.
WRT to Ret paladin's utility, the problem there is that 1) you need a good player with decent situational awareness to maximise it, and 2) it's very hard to notice the impact of this with the traditional tools we use to analyse raid performance (eg. DPS meters). You have to really be watching, and most people don't. For example, as Ret I can (and have) cleansed poison or other debuffs off myself and others to give the healers one less thing to worry about, BoF or cleanse trapped melee, BoP healers or casters who've attracted loose adds (or stun the add, smack it and pull it back to the tanks, or switch to 1h and shield and tank it myself), offheal players who're about to die, prevent a raid wipe with Lay on Hands, additional DI, additional blessing, mitigate incoming tank damage on big pulls by stunning a mob, fear UD mobs (very situational), interrupt caster mobs with Repentance, switched to AoE tanking mode where necessary, and used Bubble to ignore boss mechanics others have to run from, or reset stacking debuffs others die from. That last one has even resulted in kills which would have otherwise been wipes, because everyone else was dead and the Ret finished the boss on his own (I've only done that a couple of times, though, I won't argue that it happens often
Unfortunately all of that is much harder to notice than a nice, simple number on a DPS meter, and it's doubly rare to find a Ret pally who really takes advantage of that versatility to help the raid and doesn't just stand in the fire and autoswing. Hence Ret is undervalued, except by a very small number of observant people.
We're like an insurance policy. If played well, we can make a big difference when things go bad, so a lot of the time, people don't see the value because things aren't going bad.