Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

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Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Slicy » Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:23 am

It is fixed, hallelujah !
Last edited by Slicy on Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Grand Marshal Scarab Lord Slicy "Baguette"
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Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Etrigan » Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:45 am

Slicy wrote:You had 2 options after you figured out this bug during the 1st attempt :

1- Do another one to see if it's still there/what is causing it + report. Can't be avoided ? Have to exploit the bug to kill the boss ? Stop there and wait for the fix.

2- Do as many attempts as possible until you get to (ab)use the bug to a point that it lets you kill the boss and then report.

You picked 2nd. Tells a lot :roll:

Man you are gonna laugh when you catch up on reading this thread.

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Kapwe » Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:46 am

Speaking for NOPE, we didn't encounter the Scatter shot bug during our first attempt (noone was transformed into a drakonid).

We discovered it on our second try (the one we killed the boss), and yeah the two players concerned should have probably stop playing but every other members of the raid was not aware of what was happening until the boss died (they got morphed I think during the last 25% of the boss).

In the end, we did not use the loots, and we stop our BWL raid here, so if the GM wanted to reset our chromaggus and take back our loots it would be no problem. We also immediately reported all the bug we encountered during this lockout (including half of the bosses giving us one or even two items less than what they should give :D).

I know it's fun to blame NOPE for exploiting on the forum etc, but we already proved last saturday that we could kill this boss without any exploit.

Hopefully the scatter shot bug, and the boss himself are getting fixed soon enough :)

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Thefilth » Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:35 am

Kapwe wrote:Speaking for NOPE, we didn't encounter the Scatter shot bug during our first attempt (noone was transformed into a drakonid).

You used four tries though. The second looks like the pull went wrong for some reason. I dunno, ninja pull, tank death, w/e.

Kapwe wrote:we already proved last saturday that we could kill this boss without any exploit.

We killed Chromaggus last week too. As did most other guilds.
None of said guilds killed Chromaggus yesterday, except NOPE, because exploiting isn't allowed and Chromaggus^2 requires something extra. I'm confident it was doable, without exploiting. Sadly, nobody did it.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Shatari » Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:20 am

Thefilth wrote:We killed Chromaggus last week too. As did most other guilds.
None of said guilds killed Chromaggus yesterday, except NOPE, because exploiting isn't allowed and Chromaggus^2 requires something extra. I'm confident it was doable, without exploiting. Sadly, nobody did it.

You all like to find hidden meaning in anything we in NOPE do and seems to think that everything we do is a hard calculated decision. When the simple truth is that we exploited an unknown bug to us. shortly after the kill we did notice strangness on the meters. Contacted GMs and stopped proceeding in BWL.

We in NOPE are not some kind of ascended beings that know everything. We often make mistakes or dont notice stuff. The latter being the case here. If you would like another example just check our first damn try on Nef last week.

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Plask » Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:53 am

slipry wrote:

Our biggest fan crying for attention as usual ;)

PS: Mad cuz kicked from NOPE?

Datruth wrote:Also, I didn't expect plask to look like a somewhat normal human being, I expected more neckbeard, greasy pig skin and a few extra kilos tbh.

I stream regularly so feel free to tune in and enjoy
Last edited by Plask on Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
Sidesprang wrote:Defcap is overrated at current state of the game.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Apinanraivo » Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:58 am


Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by dusky » Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:03 am

lol everyone knows nope are exploiters . what you just woke up or something ? there is a gm playing in their guild ^_^

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Datruth » Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:03 am

Shatari wrote:You all like to find hidden meaning in anything we in NOPE do and seems to think that everything we do is a hard calculated decision. When the simple truth is that we exploited an unknown bug to us. shortly after the kill we did notice strangness on the meters. Contacted GMs and stopped proceeding in BWL.

We in NOPE are not some kind of ascended beings that know everything. We often make mistakes or dont notice stuff. The latter being the case here. If you would like another example just check our first damn try on Nef last week.

Maybe you as an individual didn't notice due to your lack of awareness of your surroundings. But you can't convince anyone that the handful of people who were actively involved in the bugs, or the raid leaders who are supposed to pay attention to pretty much everything didn't know what was up.
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Stone Guard

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by wedemboys » Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:22 am

i wish everyone would shut up.


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