Speaking for NOPE, we didn't encounter the Scatter shot bug during our first attempt (noone was transformed into a drakonid).
We discovered it on our second try (the one we killed the boss), and yeah the two players concerned should have probably stop playing but every other members of the raid was not aware of what was happening until the boss died (they got morphed I think during the last 25% of the boss).
In the end, we did not use the loots, and we stop our BWL raid here, so if the GM wanted to reset our chromaggus and take back our loots it would be no problem. We also immediately reported all the bug we encountered during this lockout (including half of the bosses giving us one or even two items less than what they should give
I know it's fun to blame NOPE for exploiting on the forum etc, but we already proved last saturday that we could kill this boss without any exploit.
Hopefully the scatter shot bug, and the boss himself are getting fixed soon enough