world chat

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Re: world chat

by OGTUCKER117 » Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:22 pm

riq and snog wrote:I will try to summon up this
World chat> free platform in a game in order to be helpful to the gaming community
Bad trolls doing it to obvious
Bad troll got banned from world
Freedom of speech card vs feelcard
10 Pages of nonsense back and forth as both groups try to get the upper hand
Me trying to sum it up

Conclusion.. if u cant troll in a entertaining way dont!!!
Who decides whats good trolling?- the majority of the playerbase!

its a game to have fun. If your definition of fun does not appeal to the playerbase either change the community or keep the fun to yourself

No nain and grizzly being huge cunts and waste of skin is the problem
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Re: world chat

by NicolasMage » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:01 pm

Everybody knows that Nain is a gigantic twat anyway.
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Re: world chat

by Pubbuffet » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:10 pm

why do u nerds even bother joining those channels lmao

Re: world chat

by pakao » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:12 pm

I am on /world since day 1, and i found it entertaining
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Re: world chat

by honuk » Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:23 am

"Freedom of speech"--which has absolutely nothing to do with a private chat channel on a private server of a private game located in France serving players from all over the world--does not entail freedom from the consequences of your actions. Which may explain why the people screaming faggot and nigger are so vehement in their desire to continue to do so: they have nothing left. This is all they have. So quit crying about having to face responsibility for your actions, like an actual adult, and try your very hardest to put on the facade of civility for the few miserable hours you decide to log on to this server.

Re: world chat

by ganjitsu » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:06 am

honuk wrote:"Freedom of speech"--which has absolutely nothing to do with a private chat channel on a private server of a private game located in France serving players from all over the world--does not entail freedom from the consequences of your actions. Which may explain why the people screaming faggot and nigger are so vehement in their desire to continue to do so: they have nothing left. This is all they have. So quit crying about having to face responsibility for your actions, like an actual adult, and try your very hardest to put on the facade of civility for the few miserable hours you decide to log on to this server.

How does the freedom to speak have nothing to do with a venue for speech? It has everything to do with it.

God save us from the retards who come here to throw the excrement of their thoughts into the argument.

"Hate speech" is a DANGEROUS idea that everyone with a brain should be fighting with tooth and nail.
It is used by authorities to whitewash people's thoughts and words. It is an insidious enemy to freedom.
There is nothing wrong with having a general opinion about a group of people based on race, religion, or anything else.
Race and religion are complex traits of person, and there are myriad other traits that are associated with these other than "the color of a person's skin" or "what day they go to church".
It's absolutely fair to have an opinion on any of these traits and it's absolutely necessary that people to not face systematic discrimination for having or expressing a negative opinion on anything at all.


Society in general believes that if they convince a majority of the population that "hate speech" is evil that they can justify silencing people who express themselves in this way, or DO WORSE TO THEM.

Everyone should realize that the freedom to express one's self is a prerequisite for the freedom to live one's life.

Any authority that tries to limit a person's speech has revealed itself to be evil. It destroys the freedom of the speaker and steals freedom from those hearing the speaker. The power to judge a speaker should ALWAYS lie with the listeners. Systematic judgement of self-expression steals power from the people and is an insidious threat to the freedom of all. It FORCES people to make up their minds about a thing. It is a GRIEVOUS INSULT to all. It is a statement that the people are too stupid or otherwise incapable of forming their own ideas and that they must be told what to do. It is a statement that what the people think does not matter and that for society to continue they must be told what to think.
This is a certain implication that society is acting against the people's interests.

In an example, if a person is expressing hatred of a certain race of people, the listeners will all judge the person. No authority need intervene. The immediate consequences are sufficient. If the hatred spreads it is justified.

Really what this is about is forcing everyone to get along as immigrants flood into European and American countries and as various people invent new sexualities and advertise them and any number of completely new phenomenon happening in society. It's about preventing people from speaking up about the effects of this. It's about demonizing nationalism and pride in one's native culture.
And above all it is about preventing anyone from stopping these phenomenon for as long as possible.

On this server, who cares if some one 'cusses out' another person in a whisper or group chat setting. This is the internet, not real life. Reading a message is not the same as someone yelling at you to your face. As for the same thing in a public channel, perhaps it should be limited. But you must draw the line and allow people to express their social and political beliefs. If that means they hate Jews, let them say it as long as they can give a sound reason.

Re: world chat

by Drooppi » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:10 am

Bruh, copy-pasting is bad.
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Re: world chat

by honuk » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:15 am

that's a nice copy pasta and all, and I'm very happy you glossed through an ayn rand novel before being handed a weird libertarian handbook, but you still don't understand anything about what the hell freedom of speech is, and you still don't have any justification for your idiotic language beyond "I hate these people that aren't me." you don't even want to have some painfully stupid discussion about race, religion, sexuality, etc.--if you did you'd use real language, rather than vomiting up cognitive kill switch garbage like nigger and faggot. you seem to think language is inherently freeing--angry guy on the internet imagines all his words to be god's gift, imagine that--but language cuts both ways. words like nigger don't exist to express ideas, they exist to suppress them. the don't foster dialog, they deny its possibility. the funny part is your actions even agree with me on principle, because as soon as you saw a phrase you didn't understand in my post ("cognitive dissonance," presumably) you turned off your brain and got mad at my language. what's your problem, bro? you too weak? or does it suddenly not work that way any more?

fool's game.

you get mad when you are denied this language not because you care at all about intellectual freedom--even calling your "ideas" demagoguery would be too generous--but because these words are identifiers to you. you call people niggers and when that word or similar words are reciprocated you feel like you're in a safe zone. empty signaling, which is all you're capable of when your entire being is defined by what it is not rather than what it is.

Re: world chat

by Momoh » Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:05 am

a lot of walls here


world chat shouldnt exist in the 1st place

Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: world chat

by ganjitsu » Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:18 am

honuk wrote:that's a nice copy pasta and all, and I'm very happy you glossed through an ayn rand novel before being handed a weird libertarian handbook, but you still don't understand anything about what the hell freedom of speech is, and you still don't have any justification for your idiotic language beyond "I hate these people that aren't me." you don't even want to have some painfully stupid discussion about race, religion, sexuality, etc.--if you did you'd use real language, rather than vomiting up cognitive kill switch garbage like nigger and faggot. you seem to think language is inherently freeing--angry guy on the internet imagines all his words to be god's gift, imagine that--but language cuts both ways. words like nigger don't exist to express ideas, they exist to suppress them. the don't foster dialog, they deny its possibility. the funny part is your actions even agree with me on principle, because as soon as you saw a phrase you didn't understand in my post ("cognitive dissonance," presumably) you turned off your brain and got mad at my language. what's your problem, bro? you too weak? or does it suddenly not work that way any more?

fool's game.

you get mad when you are denied this language not because you care at all about intellectual freedom--even calling your "ideas" demagoguery would be too generous--but because these words are identifiers to you. you call people niggers and when that word or similar words are reciprocated you feel like you're in a safe zone. empty signaling, which is all you're capable of when your entire being is defined by what it is not rather than what it is.

I think the next school shooter should start his work in psychology 101.

I understood your language and intentions perfectly. You confirm this by continuing on with them to such a gross degree. Did you use your notes from class to write that post? Your usage of these 'psychology vocabulary list words' is inept. Your post is full of subjective judgements and your tone suggests you consider these as objective. That is a sure sign of a fool or worse; worse in your case, I scarcely have to imagine.

The meaning behind my argument is that words are flexible. They can mean whatever the speaker or the listener want them to mean. The understanding is for the speaker and the listener to hammer out. Any institution that tries to intervene is malicious because it takes the process out of the control of both the speaker and listener. This is a destruction of freedom.

'People' like you want to crusade to have your definition of words apply universally. You want to attach a your illogical ideas to the context of these words and remove any other context. You want to eliminate in no small part the flexibility that is the very life of language.
In short, you are a plague on society.
Last edited by ganjitsu on Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.


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