Guilds are killing Ragnaros using an exploit. Proof inside.

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Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by nimpie » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:36 pm

You can see at the end of the GRIZZLY video Rag is spinning frantically trying to use his ranged nuke attack (4000-6000 damage supposed to be a 1 shot if no melee are in range) and is unable to (not working properly) so technically GRIZZLY exploited the same bug, though maybe not intentionally (but probably knew it was bugged and didn't say anything).

Take a look at the chat in the last part of the video, people were dropping like flies
My name is nimpie. That's my mother's tacky sense of humor. I left home when I was 13 because my stepbrother raped me. So I ended up in a lot of different places and now I live in Boston, working as a stripper

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by azreal313 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:37 pm

Rise wrote:
Mav wrote:
Rise wrote:
That was their first MC run, when they were mysteriously not recording/streaming :?

We had someone streaming, just not listed and not on twitch. Everything was sent to the devs/admin team + do think no GM watched the server first Mc run ?

Clearly they would have stopped you if you guys were exploiting something, just look at all the other people they stopped from exploiting :shock:

I masturbate to the hate.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by macgarthur » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:39 pm

azreal313 wrote:
DeeMarie wrote:
azreal313 wrote:By having the last boss of MC completely broken? Riiight.

Don't be such a drama queen. Raggy mostly works, just need to fix the range issue and hand out temp bans to guild exploiting the raid ID reset.

You can only completely trivialize the fight by not using melee since he doesn't one shot ranged, definitely not a big deal or anything though right? Yea, that's not how this works especially when Nost has plastered all over their damn main site "Quality scripts, best scripts, we worked super hard on these amazing scripts" its a blatant lie, if Rag is bugged imagine how much shit is absolutely borked down the line in any of the other many remaining raids.

Imagine how long this would have continued if they didn't live stream or record the raids. Imagine how this impacts the entire server, the players, the economy, etc. These are just the known bugs and exploits, what about the rest that are being hidden or haven't been found yet?

Nostalrius pumped out there that they have worked hard for 5 years and are bringing us a WoW Vanilla server like never seen before, with quality scripting, quality staff, etc. None of which is correct.

This server is plagued with issues including corruption that take most other servers years to have an issue with, and this is less than 30 days old. They claim to be blizzlike, and claim to be professional. Back up those claims, ban the players or entire guilds who exploited. It isn't fair you have people being banned for small things without proof, yet you do absolutely nothing when solid proof is put right in front of your eyes.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by slum » Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:45 pm

nimpie wrote:
You can see at the end of the GRIZZLY video Rag is spinning frantically trying to use his ranged nuke attack (4000-6000 damage supposed to be a 1 shot if no melee are in range) and is unable to (not working properly) so technically GRIZZLY exploited the same bug, though maybe not intentionally (but probably knew it was bugged and didn't say anything).

Take a look at the chat in the last part of the video, people were dropping like flies

people [who ran into melee range] were dropping like flies

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Noxx » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:36 pm

These bugs are getting silly as fuk....
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Sergeant Major

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Imbaslap » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:49 pm

I think people are beating a dead horse right now. Rag was not tested in beta due to lack of testing time.
until the devs hotfix them, don't expect anything new.
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Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Hydra9268 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:03 pm

Rise wrote:
DrunkenEnvy wrote:
Zyfire wrote:It's funny because if you look at GRIZZLY's kill video, they do the exact same thing :P ...

The GRIZZLY raid was being exterminated, and their players were soulstoning + suiciding on the boss. 75% of the raid looked dead to me.

You can see at the end of the GRIZZLY video Rag is spinning frantically trying to use his ranged nuke attack (4000-6000 damage supposed to be a 1 shot if no melee are in range) and is unable to (not working properly) so technically GRIZZLY exploited the same bug, though maybe not intentionally (but probably knew it was bugged and didn't say anything).

If not for the bug I doubt <NOPE> or <GRIZZLY> would have gotten the kills, at least not in those attempts in the videos. Of course, you can't take back the illegitimate Rag kills now, but hopefully they delay BWL a while to make sure <Ridin Dirty> and other notorious exploit abusing guilds don't screw that up too.

Ragnaros' loot table should be purged from every account. If you have an item from him, it's gone... period. As it stands Ragnaros is a bugged encounter and any raid that went up against him likely exploited. This is less severe than account bans. Obvious those who gain items from Ragnaros would rather their item be removed than have their account banned.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Lerix » Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:06 pm

Hydra9268 wrote:
Ragnaros' loot table should be purged from every account. If you have an item from him, it's gone... period. As it stands Ragnaros is a bugged encounter and any raid that went up against him likely exploited. This is less severe than account bans. Obvious those who gain items from Ragnaros would rather their item be removed than have their account banned.

In both of GRIZZLY's videos they always had someone in melee range.

Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Præisten » Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:07 pm

Just silly how people are about minor bugs. They will be fixed, and I am sure the guilds will get a warning.

Just move on. Server is fine.
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Re: NOPE (ally guild) just killed rag with no tank..(livestr

by Hydra9268 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:08 pm

Noxx wrote:These bugs are getting silly as fuk....

Like the population count players are pushing through content exponentially fast. In less than a month players have gone from 1 to 60; to Onyxia, to Molten Core, to achieving Stone Guard and Knight-Lieutenant honor titles. The problem is when we played vanilla it was all brand new. We were learning along the way. Today many of us are veteran WOW players so we KNOW what to do, where to go, how to play our class and so forth.
Stone Guard
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