Solmyr wrote:This whole series of threads is leading me to a disturbing conclusion.
While your post leads to the conclusion that you have shit reading comprehension and/or is plain retarded. I'll explain why by debunking your worthless "input";
Solmyr wrote:Alliance want to play instanced-PvP (battlegrounds) and frown down on world PvP.
How can you read these threads and conclude such nonsense? Alliance want the server to stay healthy and discuss the excessive lvl 60 group ganking of lvl 51+ players. The "regular" world pvp is conducted by both sides. STV is an almost equal sided gankfest. Its the end game zones where the things change. If it continues there won't be any fucking "world pvp" you logic-depraved neanderthal, just look at the lvl 50-60 census data updates for some empirical evidence.
Solmyr wrote:Horde don't want to play instanced-PvP, hence they make no effort to premade, instead they go and seek world PvP.
The fuck are you talking about? Just about 9/10 of every horde reply justifices the ganking BECAUSE they have a hard time in instanced pvp because of 30+ min ques, and thus want more alliance to que some more so they can do more INSTANCED pvp. If the ques where instant the rankhunting hordes would sit in BGs allday everyday just like the alliance.
How can you read these threads and conclude such nonsense?
Goddamn bring something better to the table, 2 ez to rip you a new one when youre full of shit.