Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Simonich » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:04 pm

This entire thread is pathetic.

It should be seen as a total war, and solution should be through the game.

I mean, stop asking developers or opposed faction players to do something about it.

Get alliance to world PvP and take revenge, make more world PvP guilds, instead of crying on the forums
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Xylon666Darkstar » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:06 pm

Why were you banned, Voroshilov? :P
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Taibak » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:07 pm

Simonich wrote:Get alliance to world PvP and take revenge, make more world PvP guilds, instead of crying on the forums

I just joined this server yesterday, I've refused to read this entire thread -- but this is the solution I support. Once I'm level 60 this will be what I push to do :D
"A guy walked up to me and said 'I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam!' and I said 'Relax man, you're two tents!'"

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by PanTheSatyr » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:37 pm

Not everyone wants to PvP and not everyone is driven by "revenge".
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Malachic - Lv 60 Mage (Frost)
Malapriest - Lv 60 Priest (Heals)
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Sergeant Major
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Xef » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:47 pm

Simonich wrote:This entire thread is pathetic.

It should be seen as a total war, and solution should be through the game.

I mean, stop asking developers or opposed faction players to do something about it.

Get alliance to world PvP and take revenge, make more world PvP guilds, instead of crying on the forums

It's funny that everybody who tells alliance to 'suck it up' or 'qqmoar' or 'l2p' or whatever, is either horde, like yourself, or a lowbie alliance.

I wouldn't play as alliance here either, and I don't think many on alliance side finds the situation fun or ideal. But ofc that just means I need to l2p and man up (lol) or whatever.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Zaft » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:56 pm

Solmyr wrote:This whole series of threads is leading me to a disturbing conclusion.

Alliance want to play instanced-PvP (battlegrounds) and frown down on world PvP.
Horde don't want to play instanced-PvP, hence they make no effort to premade, instead they go and seek world PvP.

I don't think that is entirely true.

Horde go kill honor targets because of long queues, whilst waiting to get into instanced pvp.

Why hordes don't make more premades, I honestly don't know. It could be because horde wins at least 70% of pug v pug games. PvPing outside of premade time as horde is a blast, a lot of skilled regulars.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by HAEVNEREN » Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:26 pm

Solmyr wrote:This whole series of threads is leading me to a disturbing conclusion.

While your post leads to the conclusion that you have shit reading comprehension and/or is plain retarded. I'll explain why by debunking your worthless "input";

Solmyr wrote:Alliance want to play instanced-PvP (battlegrounds) and frown down on world PvP.

How can you read these threads and conclude such nonsense? Alliance want the server to stay healthy and discuss the excessive lvl 60 group ganking of lvl 51+ players. The "regular" world pvp is conducted by both sides. STV is an almost equal sided gankfest. Its the end game zones where the things change. If it continues there won't be any fucking "world pvp" you logic-depraved neanderthal, just look at the lvl 50-60 census data updates for some empirical evidence.

Solmyr wrote:Horde don't want to play instanced-PvP, hence they make no effort to premade, instead they go and seek world PvP.

The fuck are you talking about? Just about 9/10 of every horde reply justifices the ganking BECAUSE they have a hard time in instanced pvp because of 30+ min ques, and thus want more alliance to que some more so they can do more INSTANCED pvp. If the ques where instant the rankhunting hordes would sit in BGs allday everyday just like the alliance.

How can you read these threads and conclude such nonsense?
Goddamn bring something better to the table, 2 ez to rip you a new one when youre full of shit.
UD male

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by HAEVNEREN » Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:31 pm

Simonich wrote:This entire thread is pathetic.

It should be seen as a total war, and solution should be through the game.

I mean, stop asking developers or opposed faction players to do something about it.

Get alliance to world PvP and take revenge, make more world PvP guilds, instead of crying on the forums

Yeah, lets make some more world pvp guilds out of thin air, not like the ratio is close to 60/40 at lvl 60 and alliance is full of pve carebears. Thanks for your valuable input, "Simonich". Why don't you go back to lvling your orc warrior, you'll have a breeze smooth ride to 60.

What is your solution in the scenario that we cant -magically- form a bunch of alliance world pvp guilds? to "stop whining" and let the server turn to shit? How is your RP shit "Total war" going to work out with no faction to fight, brainiac?
UD male

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by HAEVNEREN » Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:36 pm

UD male

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by rubick » Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:39 pm

Just a quick refresher as an example of the situation right now, there are 8 Alliance players leveling in Searing g. and guess what?
The Fly master is dead, you cant get any quest or hand one in. There are over 10 lvl 55+ Horde players just running around Thorium FP and not letting anyone near. But dont worry thats not it, you get chased after and simply camped, you try to escape to the middle cave or farm on the other side of the map --> The Undead is waiting for you there, its like this for the last few days already.

Now tell me a reasonable good solution to this? Calling 60s you say? Do you think 10 60s will come if I call for help? No, because there are not that many 60s online at this time to get their shit together and go help.
If you try to level at a later time, the same shit happens but only with 5 horde players in your lvl range per 1 Ally.

gg wp.


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