To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

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Re: To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

by suti95 » Fri May 29, 2015 4:03 am

Off hour now, 5.50 am europe time, 4.5k players online... Yeah, a queue with 2 hours waiting time would be the best idea.... There arent any low pop server, all other vanilla wow servers are dead. A vanilla server only had 2.5k-3k pop (where are the "its not blizzlike" guyz all of these posts? :O), 7-8k pop is non sense. Its senseless. U cant make higher and higher respawn rate. After all, u cant even do an elite Q since the mobs will spawn on each other. The only reasoned solution is to make a second server with char transfer. Its a totally insane statement that the second server would kill the pop and only leave behind 2 dead servers. How? Here is 8k players on 1 server, on 2 servers it will be 4k-4k, or maybe 3k-5k. But it will balance itself. 3k is totally enough for everything just like 5k. And there can be a crossBgs. World PvP worked on vanilla servers with their 2ks pop, it will work on 3k and 5k pop aswell.

Re: To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

by Simonich » Fri May 29, 2015 8:43 am

I simply say, more population = better. Because I love world PvP, and even with such population there are still times I just get noons to fight with.

Just my opinion. Keep expanding the server
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

by Acillius » Fri May 29, 2015 10:31 am

Simonich wrote:I simply say, more population = better. Because I love world PvP, and even with such population there are still times I just get noons to fight with.

Just my opinion. Keep expanding the server

currently at full peak hours with 7.5k people there is lag disconnects etc which is a problem now, the hardware is not the problem with the server, it is the coding of the game which was limited back then and no matter what the Devs for this private server do they will not be able to fix that. The game was only ment for 2-3k max population back in classic and back then there was TONs of world pvp.

The more people that come the more problems this server will have until it is unplayable.

Re: To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

by azreal3133 » Fri May 29, 2015 2:07 pm

Simonich wrote:I simply say, more population = better. Because I love world PvP, and even with such population there are still times I just get noons to fight with.

Just my opinion. Keep expanding the server

Playing a melee class with this lag is absolutely unbearable in PvP, you're in range on your screen but the server thinks you're just out of range even though none of your abilities are redded out from range, unless you're literally on top of someone when the server hits 6-7k+ people then you're gonna have a bad time in PvP as a melee class. I didn't notice it as much when I was on my priest but on my warrior holy fuck is it annoying.
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Re: To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

by azreal3133 » Fri May 29, 2015 2:12 pm

People keep bringing up how the population is amazing, and it is great, to a point. Vanilla servers could only handle 2.5k players on at one time and the game was designed around that, quest item spawns, mob spawns, draw distance, server load, profession node spawning, etc, we actively triple that and I don't think its unreasonable to assume that once Dire Maul and BWL come out we'll be quadrupling it. At some point you just have to say this is too much and the desired "blizzlike" server is most definitely not blizzlike in how the game deals with population anymore and you NEED to open up a second server, at this point its not the hardware that can't handle so many players, it is in fact the game code. I don't enjoy playing with low ms but high delays in everything I do, 20 meter draw distance on players and NPC's (which is extremely frustrating in pvp btw) and the almost mythic nature of mining and herbalism nodes (go try farming them, you won't be able to because they're all gone.) Even if they allowed 2k players to move over to a 2nd server that still leaves the main server with more than double what a BLIZZARD vanilla server could have at MOST.

EDIT: You think the lag and disconnects can get bad now? Just wait till the fucking AQ gates event or Naxx event, the server will literally implode because it simply can't handle that many players in one area all fighting.
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Re: To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

by Acillius » Fri May 29, 2015 2:29 pm

azreal3133 wrote:
EDIT: You think the lag and disconnects can get bad now? Just wait till the fucking AQ gates event or Naxx event, the server will literally implode because it simply can't handle that many players in one area all fighting.

I was there in vanilla for this level 59 and I will tell you myself the lag even then with 2k people on was unbearable and the constant disconnects was so bad I ignored it for a few days

Re: To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

by leetlazzy » Fri May 29, 2015 7:33 pm

The population is just too big. We need a way to spread out the players I don't know the correct solution but there needs to be one.

People are ignoring the fact that eventually these 6-8k players that are spread out will eventually hit level 60. Think about that.

When you try to play at the 7-8k peak the delay is annoying wait till they're all in the same areas.

The amount of people camping one area for quest mobs is way too high. The View distance that is set in place for the server to have more players really kills the life of the game. Seeing people / mobs disappear right in front of you because of the view distance reduction to help combat the server lag is annoying.

This game is perfect at night when 3k-4k people are online. It's still a bit crowded in low level zones but it's tolerable. The server delay also goes away and the server still feels alive.

7-8k people is just way to much and needs to be addressed . People are ignoring the part where eventually if the 7-8k people hit max level those 7-8k people WILL NOT be so spread out anymore and it will lead to even BIGGER problems down the road.

We need a solution now not later.

Re: To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

by Zan » Fri May 29, 2015 7:59 pm

azreal3133 wrote:People keep bringing up how the population is amazing, and it is great, to a point. Vanilla servers could only handle 2.5k players on at one time and the game was designed around that, quest item spawns, mob spawns, draw distance, server load, profession node spawning, etc, we actively triple that and I don't think its unreasonable to assume that once Dire Maul and BWL come out we'll be quadrupling it. At some point you just have to say this is too much and the desired "blizzlike" server is most definitely not blizzlike in how the game deals with population anymore and you NEED to open up a second server, at this point its not the hardware that can't handle so many players, it is in fact the game code. I don't enjoy playing with low ms but high delays in everything I do, 20 meter draw distance on players and NPC's (which is extremely frustrating in pvp btw) and the almost mythic nature of mining and herbalism nodes (go try farming them, you won't be able to because they're all gone.) Even if they allowed 2k players to move over to a 2nd server that still leaves the main server with more than double what a BLIZZARD vanilla server could have at MOST.

EDIT: You think the lag and disconnects can get bad now? Just wait till the fucking AQ gates event or Naxx event, the server will literally implode because it simply can't handle that many players in one area all fighting.

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Re: To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

by whitestarrising » Fri May 29, 2015 8:55 pm

The server was extremely stable up to a point.

Now we are sacrificing quality for quantity. I'd rather have 2 functioning stable servers with a greater than 20 yd view distance. My alt is aggoring mobs before they even render on my screen.

Re: To everybody asking for a 2nd server.

by pinacolata » Fri May 29, 2015 10:32 pm

it's funny how the argument of this post went completely backwards xD


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