by azreal3133 » Fri May 29, 2015 2:12 pm
People keep bringing up how the population is amazing, and it is great, to a point. Vanilla servers could only handle 2.5k players on at one time and the game was designed around that, quest item spawns, mob spawns, draw distance, server load, profession node spawning, etc, we actively triple that and I don't think its unreasonable to assume that once Dire Maul and BWL come out we'll be quadrupling it. At some point you just have to say this is too much and the desired "blizzlike" server is most definitely not blizzlike in how the game deals with population anymore and you NEED to open up a second server, at this point its not the hardware that can't handle so many players, it is in fact the game code. I don't enjoy playing with low ms but high delays in everything I do, 20 meter draw distance on players and NPC's (which is extremely frustrating in pvp btw) and the almost mythic nature of mining and herbalism nodes (go try farming them, you won't be able to because they're all gone.) Even if they allowed 2k players to move over to a 2nd server that still leaves the main server with more than double what a BLIZZARD vanilla server could have at MOST.
EDIT: You think the lag and disconnects can get bad now? Just wait till the fucking AQ gates event or Naxx event, the server will literally implode because it simply can't handle that many players in one area all fighting.