Aslan wrote:You have some valid points Tyraeus, though a lot of the things you listed can aswell be done by a full holy paladin right? What you would need, is some sort of a hybrid spec, Im not really familiar with paladin healing as a horde player though but as an exemple, you can spec a shaman to improved totems, providing a boost for 3 mdps in your group, the shaman will still be a main spec healer, he is equally strong at raid healing but completely useless as tank healing. In addition he can do dps on trash and bosses where no heals are needed. No matter how mich dps it is, its some and he doesnt need mana so he can heal between fights so downtime doesnt increase. And for hard bosses where you need all healers you have them all.
So in the end its the same as a resto shaman (keeping in mind that he can only be assigned to raid healing) but also brings more. Even if its only trash dps and half of the bosses and even though he cant use mana and debuff slots for his dps because he has to heal between fights still, it is playig hybrid. He is a dps'er quite often and since a shaman doesnt care about the exact dmg number because its inferior to others anyway, its no problem to do both
Yeah, it's true that a lot of that can be done by a paladin of any spec, but the Ret pally finds himself in a different position to the healers and is often unaffected by mechanics that affect the healers (and vice versa) so there will be different opportunities for these things to be applied. The Ret pally is also free to pay attention to things like this because they aren't busy healing the tanks/raid and can fit this stuff in around their damage abilities, where it might be more of a struggle for a holydin - if the choice is between casing BoF on a trapped melee or healing the tank, the holy pally probably won't be able to use that GCD on the melee for example. This is where we can pick up the slack, so to speak, and the real strength of the spec is in doing all these little things to fill gaps and help the raid while contributing solid (not amazing, not terrible) damage. IMO anyway. Don't get me wrong, I think Ret in TBC was a far better imagining and implementation of the spec and brought more benefit to the raid as a whole, but I still think vanilla Ret can make a decent contribution if geared and played well. With a Hand of Rag, preferably
In the end the content is easy at present and I really think people should just relax and play through it together, rather than freaking out over pure vs hybrid and whatnot. This game is a lot more fun when it's friends killing bosses and having a laugh together, rather than a super srs military unit with a sergeant barking orders and no room for deviation or creativity. That approach was necessary in progression Naxx and MC? Not so much.