Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

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Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by narutomaster » Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:42 am

Shatari wrote: shortly after the kill we did notice strangness on the meters.

slipry wrote:
heres some screenshots from ur first attempt
http://www.twitch.tv/plaskone/v/17397349 @ 1:22

damn bro those are some HEALTHY rogues

chrom @ 79% and u alrdy knew about it ))

wat a shit guild

You realised it before the fight ended. Maybe your healer was too blind to see people with 15k hp but the rogue was aware. Also Kapwe asking in chat if they still have 15k hp.

Having 15k hp is a bug and using it is an exploit.

Some of you will get banned once again. Some will say they didn't do nuthing wrong and others will brag about it.

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by candyb » Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:46 am

This has to be dealt with or it will be at the cost of the servers reputation.
You don't brag about having the best scripted PvE-events and then show up with a late bugged BWL-launch and exploiting guilds who hide what they're doing.

ouch this is not too well.
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Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Sulg » Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:48 am

narutomaster wrote:
Shatari wrote: shortly after the kill we did notice strangness on the meters.

slipry wrote:
heres some screenshots from ur first attempt
http://www.twitch.tv/plaskone/v/17397349 @ 1:22

damn bro those are some HEALTHY rogues

chrom @ 79% and u alrdy knew about it ))

wat a shit guild

You realised it before the fight ended. Maybe your healer was too blind to see people with 15k hp but the rogue was aware. Also Kapwe asking in chat if they still have 15k hp.

Having 15k hp is a bug and using it is an exploit.

Some of you will get banned once again. Some will say they didn't do nuthing wrong and others will brag about it.

Those screenshots are of another guild, not NOPE :)
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by dusky » Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:52 am

haha slipry just trolled you all those are coalition guys :D

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by narutomaster » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:00 pm

dusky wrote:haha slipry just trolled you all those are coalition guys :D


Kapwe is Coalition now ? At least he'll have a guild to raid with next week :^)

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Kapwe » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:07 pm

Yeah I'm both Coalition and NOPE. Might join Dreamstate soon.

I said "still have 15k hp" because I indeed noticed when healing them that they had a lot of hp, at the end of the fight, few seconds before boss die, but I didn't immediately noticed that they were pulling insane dmg or heal you know, that's not the kind of stuff I'm focused on during enrage phase of Chromaggus as a healer.

But you guys might be right, we totally planned to exploit the fight and get along with it, that's why we streamed it with 2-3 PoV and uploaded the logs on RaidStats :^) Our GM team covers us

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by omerbr » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:23 pm

I find it really weird how the miners are considered destructive to the server and must be perm banned but this is ok.

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Molten » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:47 pm

Kapwe wrote:Speaking for NOPE, we didn't encounter the Scatter shot bug during our first attempt (noone was transformed into a drakonid).

We discovered it on our second try (the one we killed the boss), and yeah the two players concerned should have probably stop playing but every other members of the raid was not aware of what was happening until the boss died (they got morphed I think during the last 25% of the boss).

Hopefully the scatter shot bug, and the boss himself are getting fixed soon enough :)

You wiped at least two times, anyone who watched one of the streams know that. Also, they did not get morphed during the last 25%. Psychic was morphed at 59%, and people even said in chat "wtf is going on". So please don´t do the whole "it was not after the fight we noticed something was wrong, ehe he he". Just be a man about continuing. It´s not like NOPE where the only guild who kept going after unintentionally abusing (being nice here, as they had 2 transforms and noticed the bug on the first one) the transforms. The only difference between NOPE, Coalition and any other guild who experienced this is that NOPE managed to kill get him down.

Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Proctologist » Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:11 pm

slipry wrote:
Proctologist wrote:http://www.twitch.tv/majory2/v/17397826

got it to 3>2% @ 1hour 22min

We could had gotten it without the exploit ;) (not that we even knew about it at 1# attempt

heres some screenshots from ur first attempt
http://www.twitch.tv/plaskone/v/17397349 @ 1:22

damn bro those are some HEALTHY rogues

chrom @ 79% and u alrdy knew about it ))

We could had gotten it without the exploit ;)

not only did you have 4 "exploited" rogues you had an "exploited" healer and an "exploited" fury warrior

and u still wiped

wat a shit guild

Haha what? it clearly goes down to 2/3% on our 1# attempt, why are you trying to shittalk me.. Us.
Had we known about the bug and had more to dispell, e.g me, then we would had killed it.
From the same VOD, which is MINE..


Let's get one thing straight... I'm not.

Hunter + Priest PvE/PvP PoV.
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Re: Bugged Chromaggus down! GZ NOPE

by Chazana » Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:34 pm

Wow, this really turned out to be a neat little shitstorm.

You better deliver :o

http://rutube.ru/video/650533770447b676 ... 120c6595c/
Poor quality but you can see the rogue using adrenaline rush 2.0 @ 4.58-ish. (among other things)
Teenage popstar music is blocking views in some countrys so hence the ruskitube.

I always deliver :)


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