NicolasMage wrote:Intentions are flexible, not words. If words ment whatever you wanted them too, then a dictionary would have no purpose.
Stop trying to sound smart, it really isn't working. It really doesn't help your case when both individual topics you've been whining about completely contradict each other.
Way to shrug off how I totally nailed you for being a retard, just like every time so far.
Here comes more; soon we can call this a crucifixion!
The meanings of words are always changing slightly. They absorb the context in which they are used in the minds of those who use and hear them. That is why you can google "define <word x>" and see the etymological history of the word. That is how many languages mixed with Latin and became the languages of the western world that most all of us speak. Every single word has a history; most of them have a very long history. Some words change meaning almost completely. I'm not your English teacher, find your own examples.
You say that I have posited two topics that contradict each other. You don't state what these topics are. You don't state how they contradict each other.
You just keep slinging your bullshit point of view with no support and act like you are making sense. You don't use reason to support anything you say.
You are the rooster strutting around the barnyard after it's head has been cut off.