Præisten wrote:Just silly how people are about minor bugs. They will be fixed, and I am sure the guilds will get a warning.
Just move on. Server is fine.
People should not own items - especially Legendary stuff - from exploitable content. It is better to release a patch then purge Ragnaros' loot table from every account. This way people can guarantee that when they defeat this boss it will be with a working mechanic. I also think Nostalrius should release a statement saying if you exploit Ragnaros going forward you run the risk of account closure.
There are rules players must abide by. Nostarlius is obviously not a 100% flawless private server. The respectful thing to do would be stay away from Ragnaros and let the team correct the problem. Then attempt it later. Then when you defeat Ragnaros proper you will not only feel you earned your rewards but you will earn the respect of the community.