Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Ivina » Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:56 pm

Tekko wrote:Omg charge works on kronos.

As it does on Nost :)

Tekko wrote:
Promaniac wrote:Ally has 1,3k people online.. So around 2,5k at launch for Kronos. Not to bad

Horde has 2k.

At least /who isn't broken like Nost lol.

1400+ displayed on alliance side.
/who Teldrasil, /who Dun morogh, /who Elwynn Forest, /who capitols -> grand total = 900.
(no one in other areas yet)

It seems kinda broken dude :lol:

I laughed hard on that. After all those Kronos fanboys trying so hard to make people believe in their theories about Nostalrius faking online players counts, or using bot... Kronos player count is lame as hell only by using /who command. :lol:
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Zeigler » Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:35 pm

No one wants to play on that casual ass server where you can buy level 60's and have a 2 man staff taking constant donations, plus the latency for American players is going to be even worse on a Czech server than on a French one, this forum post is redundant.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Amerro » Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:06 pm

Zeigler wrote:No one wants to play on that casual ass server where you can buy level 60's and have a 2 man staff taking constant donations, plus the latency for American players is going to be even worse on a Czech server than on a French one, this forum post is redundant.

US player here, and I can say there hasn't been a need for a server restart to fix "lags" like there was for Nos. I have not experienced delay in the least. Keep trying kiddo.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by matt » Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:07 pm

kronos has fake numbers on their /who list and dont want americans playing their servers

i will stay here
19, Bisexual, Boston

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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by sloasdaylight » Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:49 pm

matt wrote:kronos has fake numbers on their /who list and dont want americans playing their servers

i will stay here

Currently the who list shows a total number of ingame players plus those, who are not ingame, but at login screen. The players at login screen should not be added to the total amount. This should be resolved by next realm update.

We are sorry for providing you with slightly misleading numbers.

Quote from Chero, the dev at Kronos.
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by waffle » Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:02 am

okay watching kronos streams and some are now lvl ~12

so far:

broken as fuck pets (not exaggerating, pet attack does not work properly, ultra bad path finding even the imp fireballs did not work )
broken auto shoot (ultra old exploit with spamming/cancelling auto shoot where you can shoot extremely fast)
some quests in starter zones bugged (key for the captain chest disappears without giving a letter in durotar, quest items for named mobs sometimes not dropping)
high droprate on greens and bags like in the first nost weeks...old mangos 'feature' on lower levels? well, we will see i guess

1.8-2k players on, not this bad BUT for a weekend? For a RELEASE weekend? This is not a good sign AND the number will go down after the hype after a couple of weeks and well, will be an empty server ... again.

And this is only the stuff i saw by watching 3-4 streams and NOT playing by myself.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Amerro » Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:31 am

waffle wrote:okay watching kronos streams and some are now lvl ~12

so far:

broken as fuck pets (not exaggerating, pet attack does not work properly, ultra bad path finding even the imp fireballs did not work )
broken auto shoot (ultra old exploit with spamming/cancelling auto shoot where you can shoot extremely fast)
some quests in starter zones bugged (key for the captain chest disappears without giving a letter in durotar, quest items for named mobs sometimes not dropping)
high droprate on greens and bags like in the first nost weeks...old mangos 'feature' on lower levels? well, we will see i guess

1.8-2k players on, not this bad BUT for a weekend? For a RELEASE weekend? This is not a good sign AND the number will go down after the hype after a couple of weeks and well, will be an empty server ... again.

And this is only the stuff i saw by watching 3-4 streams and NOT playing by myself.

I have played on it since it opened, and I can say that the drop rate on greens is abysmal. There is no general chat spam with greens, nor with bags. I have found 1 bag in about 6 hours of playing.

Pets have problems yes, but they also had issues on Nos. The problems are reported and they're working on them. And 2k players is actually incredible, it's just that Nos happened to get far more, which is incredible as well, and great for the server.

Stop trying to compare the two, seriously. Play where you want. Let others make their own decisions.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Quickbowjob » Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:43 am

Just saw /who 814 players only RIP hype.
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Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Dimwit » Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:46 am

Quickbowjob wrote:Just saw /who 814 players only RIP hype.

that's only your faction.

Re: Nostalrius vs. Kronos - Who will win?

by Quickbowjob » Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:48 am

Dimwit wrote:
Quickbowjob wrote:Just saw /who 814 players only RIP hype.

that's only your faction.

I know.
That make it better how?
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