How was Old Naxx40

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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Aten » Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:58 am

Zach wrote:
Aten wrote: Raiding in original WoW was hard because you DIDN'T HAVE bullshit like decursive, dps meters, threat meters, addons telling you you have aggro, and addons telling you a boss was about to perform his special attack PLAYING the game FOR YOU.

Literally all of those addons existed.

I don't remember most of them being out when MC was fresh.

Threat meters i cannot remember at all.
DPS charts were out sometime after MC was cleared (i thought)
Boss timers I do remember, same with decursive, but from what I can remember they came out a bit later, and anyone worth their salt had already cleared BWL and MC before they were in.

Also, i could be full of shit ;)

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Greul » Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:46 am

Game release 23.11.2004

Honor system added in 05.04.2005,the first bg`s WSG/AV added in 07.06.2005
Try to imagine how hard was to get honor from random kills and capitals raids only ;)

Before patch 1.4 DM was not out,Scholo/Strat Instance had half of the items you can get now and they had low stats too (20%-30% lower that original) also Scholo/Strat was 10m instance and UBRS/LBRS to gear up toke more time,less items with same amount of drop per boss for more players (they change to 10m and 5m to speed up the gear process later in 1.10 patch)

Pre 1.4 patch a tank (whitout MC items) had 3.7-4k max hp with a shit def rating% (pary/block/dodge) stats,also verry few had pvp items,as dps to aim for raids with pvp items was not a option in that time because of lack of honor.Now in 1.12 u just pvp 3-4 weeks and u are rdy to go as dps in MC (t1 pvp items stats are just fine for MC)

I can`t remember all the - aspects before "golden age" 1.12 :)) but If this server will be without BG`s in first 6 months,without DM in first 3 months,with a 10m Scholo/Strat with half loot (before 1.4 all had 25-30 items less) with a 15m UBRS/LBRS and all the items will be unbuffed...I bet ppl will not say anymore the classic is easy and fast :)

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Greul » Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:00 am

The classic is not about 1.11+ the last period of it,is about the time from start to that point.To chat about classic and make reference to patch 1.11 and 1.12 is like u speak about a movie and u recall only how it end (in most of the case the happy one)

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Szabinger » Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:01 am

And I think it will give many people a reason to leave, because it's not easy (even in vanilla terms).
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Cataclysm » Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:02 am

So obviously you have the wrong server in mind. Nostalrius will have BGs at start, as will DM very very likely be open within less than 3 months. Scholo and stratholme will very likely be in their 5 man version, considering there is (probably) not enough data to implement a 10man version.

here's a rogue POV of the first ever ragnaros kill, he's sitting at a comfortable 4.5k hitpoints with a MotW and PW:F, so i honestly doubt the tanks were anywhere close to 4k life. This is obviously with MC loot.

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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Greul » Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:08 am

Cataclysm wrote:So obviously you have the wrong server in mind. Nostalrius will have BGs at start, as will DM very very likely be open within less than 3 months. Scholo and stratholme will very likely be in their 5 man version, considering there is (probably) not enough data to implement a 10man version.

here's a rogue POV of the first ever ragnaros kill, he's sitting at a comfortable 4.5k hitpoints with a MotW and PW:F, so i honestly doubt the tanks were anywhere close to 4k life. This is obviously with MC loot.

What I say and what you understand :) but maybe is my fail because of lack of english.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Greul » Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:25 am

Cataclysm wrote:So obviously you have the wrong server in mind. Nostalrius will have BGs at start, as will DM very very likely be open within less than 3 months. Scholo and stratholme will very likely be in their 5 man version, considering there is (probably) not enough data to implement a 10man version.

here's a rogue POV of the first ever ragnaros kill, he's sitting at a comfortable 4.5k hitpoints with a MotW and PW:F, so i honestly doubt the tanks were anywhere close to 4k life. This is obviously with MC loot.

Check the arhive of pre 1.4 items,check the stats value and make the count.

Warrior BiS pre 1.4 items (Scholo/Strat/UBRS/LBRS gear only without ench/buffs) = 3821 hp

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Cataclysm » Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:15 pm

Greul wrote:
Cataclysm wrote:So obviously you have the wrong server in mind. Nostalrius will have BGs at start, as will DM very very likely be open within less than 3 months. Scholo and stratholme will very likely be in their 5 man version, considering there is (probably) not enough data to implement a 10man version.

here's a rogue POV of the first ever ragnaros kill, he's sitting at a comfortable 4.5k hitpoints with a MotW and PW:F, so i honestly doubt the tanks were anywhere close to 4k life. This is obviously with MC loot.

Check the arhive of pre 1.4 items,check the stats value and make the count.

Warrior BiS pre 1.4 items (Scholo/Strat/UBRS/LBRS gear only without ench/buffs) = 3821 hp

i count 4335 on my tauren warrior :roll:

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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Greul » Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:17 pm

Cataclysm wrote:
Greul wrote:
Cataclysm wrote:So obviously you have the wrong server in mind. Nostalrius will have BGs at start, as will DM very very likely be open within less than 3 months. Scholo and stratholme will very likely be in their 5 man version, considering there is (probably) not enough data to implement a 10man version.

here's a rogue POV of the first ever ragnaros kill, he's sitting at a comfortable 4.5k hitpoints with a MotW and PW:F, so i honestly doubt the tanks were anywhere close to 4k life. This is obviously with MC loot.

Check the arhive of pre 1.4 items,check the stats value and make the count.

Warrior BiS pre 1.4 items (Scholo/Strat/UBRS/LBRS gear only without ench/buffs) = 3821 hp

i count 4335 on my tauren warrior :roll:

Nice,this mean I must relook over the list,tnx :) still tauren have more hp due to racial :P

Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Hvemklomater » Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:36 pm

Uh.. I can't wait for the opening of Naxxramas - I really enjoyed the opening event of Naxxramas on retail back when it was released.


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