your argument is that anyone with any idea of the usage of words with centuries of institutionalized oppressive, ignorant and anti-intellectual politics behind them that doesn't specifically support your usage of them as a 4chan identifier is an oppressive force. the stunning irony in this is self explanatory. you have yet to even offer a hint of why you want to use these words, or what they are supposed to mean. but you did post a racist rant, indicating to me that you want them to mean---guess what!--exactly what they do mean. you have followed up by calling me a pestillence, a cancer, a retard, and hoping that I will be killed by a gunman who would presumably share your beliefs (which would be likely, because non coincidentally they all share your beliefs). I don't even have to say anything, because every word out of your mouth undermines whatever intellectually ground you're attempting to claim.
but lets run an experiment. do you use these firey arguments with your mother? your boss? anyone outside of the internet? do you call them niggers? faggots? do you insist they allow and reciprocate your cancerous language?
nope. even if you want nothing more than to expose yourself as an ignorant radical, you don't. you do your best to approximate civil behavior. linguistically, this is called code switching. maybe someone as intent on the curtch of linguistic flexibility has heard of it, but I doubt it. people adapt linguistic strategies suitable to their environments at any given time. so kindly code switch while you're here. you can unleash all the faggots and niggers you want when you're back on 4chan or your poorly coded white supremacist forums, where those terms signify your empty identity to similarly minded children.