world chat

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: world chat

by honuk » Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:52 am

your argument is that anyone with any idea of the usage of words with centuries of institutionalized oppressive, ignorant and anti-intellectual politics behind them that doesn't specifically support your usage of them as a 4chan identifier is an oppressive force. the stunning irony in this is self explanatory. you have yet to even offer a hint of why you want to use these words, or what they are supposed to mean. but you did post a racist rant, indicating to me that you want them to mean---guess what!--exactly what they do mean. you have followed up by calling me a pestillence, a cancer, a retard, and hoping that I will be killed by a gunman who would presumably share your beliefs (which would be likely, because non coincidentally they all share your beliefs). I don't even have to say anything, because every word out of your mouth undermines whatever intellectually ground you're attempting to claim.

but lets run an experiment. do you use these firey arguments with your mother? your boss? anyone outside of the internet? do you call them niggers? faggots? do you insist they allow and reciprocate your cancerous language?

nope. even if you want nothing more than to expose yourself as an ignorant radical, you don't. you do your best to approximate civil behavior. linguistically, this is called code switching. maybe someone as intent on the curtch of linguistic flexibility has heard of it, but I doubt it. people adapt linguistic strategies suitable to their environments at any given time. so kindly code switch while you're here. you can unleash all the faggots and niggers you want when you're back on 4chan or your poorly coded white supremacist forums, where those terms signify your empty identity to similarly minded children.

Re: world chat

by NicolasMage » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:05 am

I've stated numerous times but you've ignored it each time. Lets get into details then.

The first topic just so happens to be the first time I've ever seen any of your rubbish, it was the guy stating that you're a piece of shit human being for leaving a group before finishing the dungeon and then hurling abuse at him. In this topic you went on to say that "I'm free to call people faggots and niggers all I want" (Which, FYI, you are not)

Topic two, the world chat problem. In this topic you claimed that the system where the owner of the world chat is FREE to do whatever he pleases is bullshit, I don't believe that Nain should be allowed control over the world chat any more than you do (Actually I hate Nain and think he should be banned from the internet), but I understand how the system actually works.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom to say whatever you please without any risk of consequence, it means your free to criticise things without being punished by the law. Want examples? You can question your government, you can state your dislike towards your president. People in countries where "freedom of speech" is not allowed (North Korea for example) can't do this.

You have no right to insult anybodies intelligence, you're that guy who took 4chan seriously and think immigrants are here to "take our jerbs".

You haven't "nailed" me at all, you've just made yourself look like the biggest prat on these forums. All you've actually done is disregard any information you're given on the grounds of "social justice warriors are ruining my America, I wanna live in the 1950's where I can do and say whatever I want because there was no political correctness".
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: world chat

by ganjitsu » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:06 am

honuk wrote:your argument is that anyone with any idea of the usage of words with centuries of institutionalized oppressive, ignorant and anti-intellectual politics behind them that doesn't specifically support your usage of them as a 4chan identifier is an oppressive force. the stunning irony in this is self explanatory. you have yet to even offer a hint of why you want to use these words, or what they are supposed to mean. but you did post a racist rant, indicating to me that you want them to mean---guess what!--exactly what they do mean. you have followed up by calling me a pestillence, a cancer, a retard, and hoping that I will be killed by a gunman who would presumably share your beliefs (which would be likely, because non coincidentally they all share your beliefs). I don't even have to say anything, because every word out of your mouth undermines whatever intellectually ground you're attempting to claim.

but lets run an experiment. do you use these firey arguments with your mother? your boss? anyone outside of the internet? do you call them niggers? faggots? do you insist they allow and reciprocate your cancerous language?

nope. even if you want nothing more than to expose yourself as an ignorant radical, you don't. you do your best to approximate civil behavior. linguistically, this is called code switching. maybe someone as intent on the curtch of linguistic flexibility has heard of it, but I doubt it. people adapt linguistic strategies suitable to their environments at any given time. so kindly code switch while you're here. you can unleash all the faggots and niggers you want when you're back on 4chan or your poorly coded white supremacist forums, where those terms signify your empty identity to similarly minded children.

"the stunning irony in this is self explanatory"
Actually nothing about anything you have said is self-explanatory. Indeed I struggle to explain it at all.

Maybe you should graduate and get some real world experience before you try to apply the 'knowledge' you gain while "taking your generals" in your first years of post-secondary education.

You keep trying to make this a personal conflict. You know your only hope for anyone to buy your retardation is to make yourself look somehow better than me, not by honing your argument but by attacking me.

My argument is that everyone should be free to attach any context or meaning they want to any word, phrase or idea, and have the freedom to express this without systematic persecution. Why can't we forget about one context and attach another? Because we have to forever remember our "white guilt" for the actions of the wealthy and noble from whom we are likely not descended? Fuck that I say, and fuck you as well.

As for my reason for occasionally using the word "nigger" or "faggot", it is usually to stir up people like you who are sure that they know everything. I don't attach the meaning "black person" to "nigger". I don't attach the meaning of "homosexual" to faggot. I attach the self-righteous indignation of people like you to the context of these words.

Re: world chat

by honuk » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:16 am

guy does nothing but call me a retard in defense of his right to call me a nigger in order to attack me without consequence, claims that my argument is a personal attack on him while his is reasoned.

nice insecurity. but I'm glad you accuse me of being educated, like literally every clone of you I've unfortunately stumbled into on the internet. and indeed I am educated, much beyond "year one of post-secondary," which is likely when you dropped out after encountering a professor exercising his intellectual freedom to challenge your idiotic beliefs.

"everyone should be free to attach any context or meaning to any word they want, so long as this meaning and context agrees with mine." you're free to say that garbage all you want. and those in charge of chat channels, groups, raids, and server rules are more than free to kick you out on account of it. just like in the "real world" you apparently swear fealty to. let me know what happens the next time you enter a place of business and call the owner a nigger "for the lulz." but luckily a middle class straight white person believes he is entitled to preserve the political power of words designed by middle class straight white people to marginalize and oppress people who aren't them. the reason you just happened to "choose" these words (you didn't, you lazily copied them from people in your social group) out of all the words or possible words in the English language is because you intend to use them to attack and reinforce ignorance, which is exactly what they were designed to do in the first place. so even regardless of their history, you freely admit to using them in order to be a dick. so go ahead, be a dick. and don't be surprised when being a dick has consequences. weird how that works.

it's the same thing as gamergate. toxic assholes believed as a matter of fact that video games, as a whole, belonged to their specific community, and when it turned out that wasn't the case they couldn't handle it.
Last edited by honuk on Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: world chat

by ganjitsu » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:19 am

NicolasMage wrote:I've stated numerous times but you've ignored it each time. Lets get into details then.

The first topic just so happens to be the first time I've ever seen any of your rubbish, it was the guy stating that you're a piece of shit human being for leaving a group before finishing the dungeon and then hurling abuse at him. In this topic you went on to say that "I'm free to call people faggots and niggers all I want" (Which, FYI, you are not)

Topic two, the world chat problem. In this topic you claimed that the system where the owner of the world chat is FREE to do whatever he pleases is bullshit, I don't believe that Nain should be allowed control over the world chat any more than you do (Actually I hate Nain and think he should be banned from the internet), but I understand how the system actually works.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom to say whatever you please without any risk of consequence, it means your free to criticise things without being punished by the law. Want examples? You can question your government, you can state your dislike towards your president. People in countries where "freedom of speech" is not allowed (North Korea for example) can't do this.

You have no right to insult anybodies intelligence, you're that guy who took 4chan seriously and think immigrants are here to "take our jerbs".

You haven't "nailed" me at all, you've just made yourself look like the biggest prat on these forums. All you've actually done is disregard any information you're given on the grounds of "social justice warriors are ruining my America, I wanna live in the 1950's where I can do and say whatever I want because there was no political correctness".

Here you go again just spouting your opinions and supporting none of it.
I'm pretty sure you're a hopeless case. You will never acknowledge your incorrectness. You will never acknowledge your utter stupidity.
You are apparently incapable of truly comprehending anything you read.
You make up your own explanations for why I say things, ignoring the reasons I imply or explicitly state.

I say:
"The meaning behind my argument is that words are flexible. They can mean whatever the speaker or the listener want them to mean. The understanding is for the speaker and the listener to hammer out. Any institution that tries to intervene is malicious because it takes the process out of the control of both the speaker and listener. This is a destruction of freedom."

you read:
"I wanna live in the 1950's where I can do and say whatever I want because there was no political correctness"

Do you see the loss of information there? Do you see how you simplify anything you don't/can't understand? This is what you do with everything I say. You refuse to entertain alternative points of view. You are so sure you know everything. But you indeed know nothing.

"disregard any information you're given"
Your fucking retarded opinions hardly count as information, especially when you don't support them with any kind of reason but only more subjective/opinionated bullshit from that mass of manure you call a brain.

And oh my-fucking-word, what do you know about North Korea? Have you been there? No, you just read propaganda and think you've seen the world.

You are the typical brainwashed drone.

Re: world chat

by NicolasMage » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:26 am

You're a lunatic. I'm done, there's no teaching you. Your words are not flexible, you cannot openly call people retards, niggers or faggots. And unless society completely crumbles down, you wont ever be able to.

All you're doing and all you've ever been doing is throwing insults (ironic, considering that's what you accused the previous poster of doing) and then completely overblowing your entire sentence while trying to give the illusion of knowledge.

The problem here is you. Every problem you've ever had with somebody is because of you. Have fun wearing your tinfoil hat and telling everybody that the Government is full of Jews that are trying to promote interracial breeding to remove white people from the world.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: world chat

by ganjitsu » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:27 am

honuk wrote:guy does nothing but call me a retard in defense of his right to call me a nigger in order to attack me without consequence, claims that my argument is a personal attack on him while his is reasoned.

nice insecurity. but I'm glad you accuse me of being educated, like literally every clone of you I've unfortunately stumbled into on the internet. and indeed I am educated, much beyond "year one of post-secondary," which is likely when you dropped out after encountering a professor exercising his intellectual freedom to challenge your idiotic beliefs.

"everyone should be free to attach any context or meaning to any word they want, so long as this meaning and context agrees with mine." you're free to say that garbage all you want. and those in charge of chat channels, groups, raids, and server rules are more than free to kick you out on account of it. just like in the "real world" you apparently swear fealty to. let me know what happens the next time you enter a place of business and call the owner a nigger "for the lulz."

No, I call you a retard because YOU DON'T SUPPORT ANYTHING YOU SAY WITH REASON. You only keep supplying your wild opinions of various things and honestly counting this as evidence.
I was accusing you of being UNeducated, you fool. It doesn't even matter if you actually have a degree, you are such an obvious half-baked retard drone.

honuk wrote:"everyone should be free to attach any context or meaning to any word they want, so long as this meaning and context agrees with mine."

You accuse me of saying something that means this, but this is exactly the opposite of what I said. Comically enough, this is exactly what I have accused you of implying, and instead of defending yourself you turn the accusation around on me!

You try to paint me as some kind of fool by supplying these self-imagined scenarios in which I would prove myself to be what you say. You cannot control your irrational response to an unfamiliar point of view, and you cannot control your reaction to me refuting your stupidity, so this is what you have come to.
Just stop posting. You have been nailed down. No need to admit defeat publicly. Just go cry alone for awhile and rid us of your stupidity.

Re: world chat

by ganjitsu » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:27 am

NicolasMage wrote:You're a lunatic. I'm done, there's no teaching you. Your words are not flexible, you cannot openly call people retards, niggers or faggots. And unless society completely crumbles down, you wont ever be able to.

All you're doing and all you've ever been doing is throwing insults (ironic, considering that's what you accused the previous poster of doing) and then completely overblowing your entire sentence while trying to give the illusion of knowledge.

The problem here is you. Every problem you've ever had with somebody is because of you. Have fun wearing your tinfoil hat and telling everybody that the Government is full of Jews that are trying to promote interracial breeding to remove white people from the world.

It sounds like someone is tired of being wrong and is trying to save face before he goes to rethink his sad life

Re: world chat

by NicolasMage » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:43 am

Can't be tired of being wrong when I'm not wrong, what's happening here is that talking to you is like trying to argue with a woman on her period. You're determined that you're right, you seem to think that everybody else shares your viewpoint and if they don't then they must be stupid.

The truth is that nobody shares your viewpoint. Not even those people on 4chan, they were all trolling you. Every single conspiracy thread and black vs white thread are just troll threads, made to trick people like you into actually believing their nonsense.

The whole problem you have is that you think you can say whatever you want. Even if you could, you can't here. Each individual place (set of forums for websites included) have their own rules. So even if by law you were allowed to call somebody a retarded jewish nigger faggot, you still wouldn't here.

There's no "face" for me to save. The people who read your rubbish already know that you're a lunatic, and my life is no more sad than yours. Afterall, you're the one here arguing with two people; I'm only arguing with one.

But lets play your game, let's insult people rather than argue with them. You sir, are a fool. And I am given to understand that your mother is overweight.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: world chat

by honuk » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:46 am

ganjitsu wrote:
honuk wrote:"everyone should be free to attach any context or meaning to any word they want, so long as this meaning and context agrees with mine."

You accuse me of saying something that means this, but this is exactly the opposite of what I said. Comically enough, this is exactly what I have accused you of implying, and instead of defending yourself you turn the accusation around on me!

nope. I know that's what you think. I know you think that you're at the top, that you're 'strong' for wanting to apply your meaning to words and actions freely, while everyone else is 'weak' for telling you you're being an idiot while doing it. hell, the only thing you have left to do to complete the cycle is flail around and pretend you've read and understood Nietzsche. but it's the other way around. you're the one acting weak, because you want to be able to do whatever you want without being judged for it. you want to extend your bubble to the entire world, because you can't possibly imagine a scenario in which you are forced to engage actual people as they are, rather than as they are in your head. and you can't imagine this scenario because, paradoxically, this scenario is your everyday life. like everyone on 4chan, you've taken your personal failures, intellectual or otherwise, as evidence of systemic marginalization. you've taken widespread dismisal of your ideas not as evidence of their intellectual and moral bankruptcy, but as evidence of oppressive collusion. all your flailing and appropriation of certain language is one grand, collective "but what about me" outburst of the super ego. It's almost cute. But instead it's just sad. Because instead of trying to do anything worthwhile, everyone is preoccupied with dragging people down with them. Which is why I'm a retard in every sentence. Why everything that doesn't sound like you has to be born from either idiocy or pretension. Why every challenge is oppression, and every judgment unjustified. If someone doesn't agree with you, just try to piss them off. When they don't immediately respond to your immaturity and anxiety with the patience of a saint and rigor of a monk, that's yet more evidence of their corruption and incompetence. So call them a faggot. Because then you can win. You can huddle up with like minded people and collectively snark. Safety in numbers. You have to win everything. Because if you don't win, you lose. And you've had enough losing.

I have to justify myself for a living. I have to do so as a moral obligation to intellectual rigor. And so you can believe me when I say I know a farce when I see one.

So you know what? Call me a nigger. I can't change you. I can only semi comfort myself by saying that I don't even have to deal with you if I don't want to. But you have to deal with some version of me. Every day.


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