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Re: ayyyyyy

by Tentacles » Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:10 am

Let me put on my conspiracy hat!

Re: ayyyyyy

by Zach » Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:17 am

Tentacles wrote:Let me put on my conspiracy hat!

Where's the conspiracy exactly? Zetox was teleported into Molten Core, that is a fact. I already went over this.
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Re: ayyyyyy

by Tentacles » Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:26 am

Zach wrote:
Tentacles wrote:Let me put on my conspiracy hat!

Where's the conspiracy exactly? Zetox was teleported into Molten Core, that is a fact. I already went over this.

No you just keep telling yourself something over and over an eventually you can make yourself believe anything.

Re: ayyyyyy

by klensed » Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:28 am

I want the same thing I've wanted for every other issue, and there's been a shit load. I want an Admin to step forward and actually post SOMETHING. It's upsetting that Aqual Quintessences didn't work, it's frustrating that they changed the rules about when the content is considered "cleared" and didn't post is publicly, it's upsetting that Ragnaros was bugged, it's silly that Garr keeps being changed every server restart, it's annoying that Azuregos came out so late yet Dire Maul/Kazzak aren't out yet, it's disgusting that GMs are abusing their powers and it's UNACCEPTABLE how quiet the Administration has been throughout these ordeals/the server.

Lol dude take a lap. Shouldn't be getting this upset over a free video game.

Re: ayyyyyy

by Xylon666Darkstar » Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:32 am

UGH... I really did not want this to become just another corrupt Feenix server. Just defeats the purpose and enjoyment of everything knowing the top % of this server, is what it is, not because of personal effort or 'skill', but by GM corruption. Corruption to the Core. Who knows what else besides this that we don't see?

(I read the whole thread + watched the stream as well.)
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Re: ayyyyyy

by Fear3d » Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:35 am

It looks like the GM in question is no longer a GM, so why is everyone crying so much? A different GM has made it clear to you that GMs are monitored for abuse of power and dealt with accordingly. Accept that and move on. You aren't entitled to the details of such cases. When have you ever seen Blizzard admins make a post on some forums to say "GM X has been fired as a GM because we caught him abusing his powers!"? You haven't, and it doesn't mean that no Blizzard GM ever abused their powers. It also doesn't mean that they didn't fire GMs when it happened. Simply put, the details of such situations aren't your business. All you need to know is that it's not allowed and such situations are dealt with.

I've been in management for about a decade, and I've had to fire people for various reasons. When that happens, it's generally against company policy to go blabbing about the details of the situation to customers or even to other employees. It's simply not something you do. There's no reason why this should be any different.

Also, to those of you crying about logs. In no way does Tadbouche's picture suggest that this server doesn't keep logs of commands that GMs use. In fact, I'd say that the opposite is true. It seems pretty clear that the GM was able to locate the log of the situation, because he knew which GM banned the account. All he said is that the reason for the ban wasn't available. That could simply mean that the GM that banned him didn't list a reason. This server is based on a modified version of Mangos, and Mangos has multiple logging systems implemented (including one that logs all GM commands used), so there is no reason to doubt that they are capable of tracking their GMs' actions.

Re: ayyyyyy

by Glaston » Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:53 am

this is a good thread
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Re: ayyyyyy

by Wagnard » Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:54 am

I don't see anything wrong with a GM playing a character on Nostalrius.. and I doubt Zetox was actually teleported by a Game Master.

Anyways, I wouldn't be so quick to label this as a "private server thing". GMs on retail were also caught doing things like transferring friends from PvE to PvP servers, and playing in top guilds.

I hope nothing has gone wrong.. and that if there was some foul-play, that it's dealt with.
censored for quoting rap lyrics

Re: ayyyyyy

by Badtank » Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:55 am

The real drama is here is why the fuck are these crap guilds not bringing fucking repair bots to raids. Like what in the fuck.
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Re: ayyyyyy

by nervous » Mon Apr 20, 2015 8:00 am

Fear3d wrote:Also, to those of you crying about logs. In no way does Tadbouche's picture suggest that this server doesn't keep logs of commands that GMs use. In fact, I'd say that the opposite is true. It seems pretty clear that the GM was able to locate the log of the situation, because he knew which GM banned the account. All he said is that the reason for the ban wasn't available. That could simply mean that the GM that banned him didn't list a reason. This server is based on a modified version of Mangos, and Mangos has multiple logging systems implemented (including one that logs all GM commands used), so there is no reason to doubt that they are capable of tracking their GMs' actions.

I mean, they can't track who teleported zetox in front of ragnaros so I'd say that's proof q:^)


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