Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Molten » Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:45 pm

Cidio wrote:I've already rerolled Horde. Don't wanna waste more time with my lvl 53 Dwarf Warrior. I've played 2 hours and I can't even finish one f****** quest. 2/3 of the time I was fighting with Horde gankers and the rest of the time the quest giver was dead. No this is not fun. I want to play WoW to have fun, not to be frustrated. Three of my Guild members are rerolling horde as well. If this continues, we have a 70/30 or 80/20 Ratio soon. That will be fun... :roll:

Talk about being part of the problem. Man the fuck up and lvl those last 7 lvls.

To those saying horde don´t premade, what the fuck? There are tons of premeds and semi-premades on horde side as well.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Simonich » Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:50 pm

Simonich wrote:This entire thread is pathetic.

It should be seen as a total war, and solution should be through the game.

I mean, stop asking developers or opposed faction players to do something about it.

Get alliance to world PvP and take revenge, make more world PvP guilds, instead of crying on the forums

Yeah, lets make some more world pvp guilds out of thin air, not like the ratio is close to 60/40 at lvl 60 and alliance is full of pve carebears. Thanks for your valuable input, "Simonich". Why don't you go back to lvling your orc warrior, you'll have a breeze smooth ride to 60.

What is your solution in the scenario that we cant -magically- form a bunch of alliance world pvp guilds? to "stop whining" and let the server turn to shit? How is your RP shit "Total war" going to work out with no faction to fight, brainiac?

I made 2 world PvP guilds out of thin air, because I wanted to. Now for the same thing to be done, a wpvp leader is needed on alliance too

And when there's no faction to fight. That's the part horde wins the war :p
But that's just not gonna happen. That was my advice. Now don't expect developers to change anything or horde to suddenly stop killing alliance, that's not gonna happen. Its a waste of time.

Would be better if this post was made by some alliance guy who wants to make a change and get things done about this situation ingame, with a mood of motivation, endurance, a rising fist. And not crying.

That's it
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Eisseltron » Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:08 pm

One thing I didn't miss about vanilla was how vile the factions had gotten towards each other, and I'm sad to see that this mindset has carried onto Nost. The sheer amount of vitriol spit on these forums is staggering, and I don't understand it. Nost is a private server. The number of players it has, while currently high, is finite. We shouldn't be actively trying to make each other quit, we should be working together to make sure that this server thrives.

I don't mean we shouldn't PvP. I love to PvP - PvP is good! But you want to foster healthy competition. Challenge the other faction to get better, dare them to try and beat you, because that's how you create truly epic and fun experiences. We shouldn't be griefing each other, screaming "LOL KILL URSELF HORDE FEGGIT," we should be trying to embrace the community as a whole. Ganking is good. PvP is good. Griefing and vitriol are bad.

This server will only last as long as its playerbase. I really don't understand this mentality that the other faction is the devil - they aren't. They're simply players on the other side of the coin, but those players are just as important for keeping the server going.

Seriously, guys. We're in this together. We should be rivals, not enemies. :/

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by uWot » Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:19 pm

Competition?! LEL

Kids (and immature adults) nowadays don't want any competition. They want to dominate, they want to PWN, they want to humiliate their enemies. If they die, they rage, they flame they look for weaker targets.

Just look at the alliance pre-made group, they stream sometimes and if you don't sleep after the 4th game where they 5:0 a PUG right after start, you probably just stay for the enjoyment of their islandape-voice-chat (UK kids).

Yesterday one of those retards said, once they are r14 they will camp the horde nonstop. Well, guess why they don't do this NOW? No r14 gear, no advantage :)

But hell, the horde kids are even more pathetic to not just re-roll alliance if they are really this interested in PvP, but I highly doubt they are doing PvP for competition as well.

Competition. It's like being a gentleman nowadays....

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Simonich » Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:28 pm

Eisseltron wrote:One thing I didn't miss about vanilla was how vile the factions had gotten towards each other, and I'm sad to see that this mindset has carried onto Nost. The sheer amount of vitriol spit on these forums is staggering, and I don't understand it. Nost is a private server. The number of players it has, while currently high, is finite. We shouldn't be actively trying to make each other quit, we should be working together to make sure that this server thrives.

I don't mean we shouldn't PvP. I love to PvP - PvP is good! But you want to foster healthy competition. Challenge the other faction to get better, dare them to try and beat you, because that's how you create truly epic and fun experiences. We shouldn't be griefing each other, screaming "LOL KILL URSELF HORDE FEGGIT," we should be trying to embrace the community as a whole. Ganking is good. PvP is good. Griefing and vitriol are bad.

This server will only last as long as its playerbase. I really don't understand this mentality that the other faction is the devil - they aren't. They're simply players on the other side of the coin, but those players are just as important for keeping the server going.

Seriously, guys. We're in this together. We should be rivals, not enemies. :/

This is what I'm proposing.

A bunch of brave lvl 60 alliance should make a wpvp guild and help things out for their faction.
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Crispin » Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:49 pm

Haevneren just about covered everything and is a scholar and a gentleman.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by HAEVNEREN » Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:53 pm

Uzephi wrote:
HAEVNEREN wrote:Sarcasm is a bitch on the world wide web.

Then why post irrelevant trash? Some of your posts are well thought out then you spit this out of your ass.

How the fuck you can have read my "well thought" posts and not immediately know i was being sarcastic is beyond me.

Image <3 <3 <3

Now back to topic;

Simonich wrote:
I made 2 world PvP guilds out of thin air, because I wanted to. Now for the same thing to be done, a wpvp leader is needed on alliance too

And when there's no faction to fight. That's the part horde wins the war :p
But that's just not gonna happen. That was my advice. Now don't expect developers to change anything or horde to suddenly stop killing alliance, that's not gonna happen. Its a waste of time.

Would be better if this post was made by some alliance guy who wants to make a change and get things done about this situation ingame, with a mood of motivation, endurance, a rising fist. And not crying.

That's it

Here's a tiny amount of math for you. Without any actual math. Read real closely now, big boy. If the current census indicates the ratio at lvl 60 is near 60/40 in horde favor, and alliance has a larger percentage of PVE'ers, how much worth do you think your "i made wpvp guilds" is actually worth when you are on the majority, pvp-oriented faction. You think that might play just a slight part in creating a world pvp guild, huh?

You made "2 world PvP guilds" out of the available playerbase.

You still with me, einstein? Now let's consider alliance actually establish one or more wpvp guilds, you know, out of a minority playerbase with few pvpers to start with, and then proceed to assault the ganking groups of 60s in the lvl 50+ zones. What do you think the outcome would be? The hordes would pack their shit up, call it a day and wank around? or might this just happen to attract even more hordes and thus end up fucking lvling alliance up even more? Come on, throw me a guess Newton. Don't hold back. Your solution is not viable with the current imbalance - The 60/40 (at times) ratio + horde pvp orientation and ally pve orientation taken into consideration.

I want horde to get good, short bg ques. It must be shit to wait 30 min or an hour to enter a bg which has a good chance of being a premade. I play on both factions, and the current horde bg scenario don't sound to good. Not in a fucking heartbeat would i find it logical to fuck up alliance chars somewhat close to level 60, though. If i whine about BG ques, why make them fucking longer by delaying the opposing faction so much?

I don't want a server/staff imposed restriction. I dont want hordes to get banned for griefing, wether or not that occured on retail. I just happen to think that its not such a bad idea to create alittle awareness on this matter, before the server possibly turns to shit. Fuck knows if it will work or produce anything productive. Maybe some hordes who lurk the forums see the idea. Maybe not. I Just appreciate this server and them FEELS™ it gives to have a big thriving community on both factions, with rivalries and drama set to come in a hopefully not too short future for the server.
UD male

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Pablofransisco » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:02 pm

Cidio wrote:I've already rerolled Horde. Don't wanna waste more time with my lvl 53 Dwarf Warrior. I've played 2 hours and I can't even finish one f****** quest. 2/3 of the time I was fighting with Horde gankers and the rest of the time the quest giver was dead. No this is not fun. I want to play WoW to have fun, not to be frustrated. Three of my Guild members are rerolling horde as well. If this continues, we have a 70/30 or 80/20 Ratio soon. That will be fun... :roll:

im about to

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Karoon » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:08 pm

macgarthur wrote:We can't go anywhere I got killed on the boat from Menethil yesterday, about 10 Horde just camped it most of the day. At what point is the staff going to do something or will they just completely ignore it until the server is dead.

For all the Horde who come here to toss insults I dare you to roll Alliance and level up without "whining" or being a "carebear".

That was most likely us. If Alliance can't mount a counterattack to drive away 7 horde players dicking around with a doom guard in Menethil - a town literally few minutes from IRONFORGE - there's a problem with the faction mentality. Grow some spirit, stop being such a rag and learn to play as a part of the community. Action and reaction makes for rewarding world PvP. PvE is not your personal bubble, don't treat it as such. Rally, fight, and be your own champions.
Last edited by Karoon on Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Robotron » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:12 pm

Man, with all the ganking going around, I wish there were places where you and four other players could group up for, enter, kill lots of mobs and complete lots of high-EXP quests, get good gear, and not have to worry about the opposite faction...
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