DebatableAklol wrote:...considering the top guild on the server is leaving.
Completely agree with this part. Those events left a very, very bad taste in my mouth and I know that 100's of hardcore players feel the same way.Aklol wrote:Bugs all over the place (hello thousands of archers spawning in a spot one shotting people), most of which was reported on the PTR (if not by us, by other guilds we’ve talked to). Not only that, but the staff banned Gilnash, Maitoz, and then Monkeynews for a week because they used an addon that existed during Vanilla WoW to queue their respective groups’ players up at the same time. A simple google search, or hell, even the mind of someone who actually played during Vanilla could tell you that this existed.
This is the spiciest part: Guilds who tested for hours on the PTR for Alterac Valley were publicly shamed and blamed for every AV problem on the forums by the staff. Are you fucking kidding me? Man up to your mistake.
Eso wrote:They were literally banned for queueing a battleground together. Macro or not, they could literally all just click the button, get 30 of their 40 into one instance, and roll it equally as hard. I don't care how controversial you think this opinion is, you are wrong, and we are right. If they counted down, they would get 30 in and dirt on your shit pug just as they would with 40.
The majority of the people here want to drag everyone else down to their level of competence, which isn't very high. They scream about everything us or any other guild above them does.
This this this this this 1000x this.