Lol lootcouncil guilds are the reason I left this server (that and the lack of raiding guilds at my time/amount of warriors here). Super glad I did though, and I basically surf these forums once a week now and read the bad /negative server shit to keep me detox'd from here
I think I spent a good 12 hours trying to explain to a certain horde guild that making the third tank wait for most likely 3-5 months while the other two get entirely geared (8/10 or more) wasn't acceptable, at least for the amount of time invested. The ENTIRE TIME we had this conversation I was called greedy and shit.......for wanting a reasonable return on my hours played like every single other class. Other classes would also talk about how I was being "unrealistic" when I was literally the only other warrior not an officer/leader, which meant I didn't really have anyone to back me up AND nobody else had a similar situation to face (warriors tanking + loot = priority drama as usual). The guild then tried pulling shit like having one officer tell me whats going on ("these two tanks need 5/8") and then backpedaling after I got irritated. I'm not even going to mention how fucking mentally handicapped it is to wait for TWO tanks to get to 5/8 before you let the third tank get any loot. The fuck is that person even doing for 3 months? Holding your dicks and watching everyone else have fun earning shit? I mean, if I was greedy I would have fucking left once I saw them wipe 5 times on imps and almost quit for the night, but I wanted to progress with other people while getting a few pieces and shootin' shit on TS.
It got to the point where I missed a dinner with some friends over yelling online at some 17-50 year old virgins for two hours. I didn't show for the next raid because who fucking raids when two tanks have priority over any piece that drops, plus they weren't being adults and talking to me in raid. They did some silly shit like demoting me in guild chat for not raiding that night; pretty much quit on the spot. I think what made me quit suddenly was the realization that I was being the "loser" in life. I'm sitting there steaming mad online over trying to explain a basic principle of "return on enjoyment" to autistic/uneducated kids who probably forgot this game was to have fun and progress, not to log into a weekly 40-man lottery. It didn't help I was hearing some shitty "class leader" shaman at 2AM or so every night talk about shit like how he (sounding like he's 40) and his brother do cocaine, and how he was simply spamming his highest rank with great gear but fucking failing at playing his class. All I can say it was a total moment of me scanning myself down and thinking I am somehow going to freakishly end up like him: 40 and awake at 4AM playing a 10 year old talking to people half my age about my youth.
TLDR Loot council sucks, don't join a guild with loot council. They always fucking say they are being fair but lets be realistic......if you could assign loot, you'd always have a bias to your friends. You'd be a fucking liar if you said otherwise; it's human nature. Also remember this is a game gents....I quit that night and signed a huge contract later that week for most likely what two random dudes in my guild make a year. If you like to win.....don't do it in a fucking 10 year old video game. Do it in life