Bioness wrote:Bradley wrote:But where are all those alliance player? when i go around STV its all red, its like going to soviet russia 1944.
Arathi highland for every 2 alliance there are 5 horde
Southshore is like 2 alliance every 3 horde
Some1 said that BS and SG are farming honor zone for horde
So my question is...where is all the alliance?
Confirmation Bias, you see what you want to see and so happen to notice the other faction more. Both horde and alliance complain about the same problems regarding PvP.
Bias what bias? you are fed up with ppl calling gankers only on horde side? i've nerver said that
Im saying that i just cant quest alone in arathi because we're outnumbered (northfold manor there are 4 horde everytime, fact)
STV or im being really unlucky with timing but everytime i go there (nasingwary camp) i see just red player
Hillsbrad is the same in a better way, more balanced ratio.
Some horde player admitted that BS and SG are camped because of honor grind (another fact)
So im asking where is the alliance players, eg not the lvl 60 gankers, but people levelling, maybe im missing some 30-40 zone because for me were common to quest there (stv/arathi), maybe on this server alliance is in the desolance... asking