by Nobbynobs » Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:27 am
To be perfectly honest, and bear in mind I have been called a Nostalrius shill boy before, Kronos isn't severely underpopulated, not nearly as bad as rumours have made it look like.
At 3:00 AM server time, Nostalrius, I could get these numbers off Kronos:
Tirisfal - 112
Durotar - 227
Mulgore - 68
Barrens -100
Orgrimmar - 30
Mind you, at the same time Nostalrius had 3350 people on its realm. I didn't run a /who for Alliance zones, as I had found out that Horde were more (i.e. on Kronos), based on a forum post at twinstar.
So, no. Kronos is not a dead project and it has a good future ahead of it. Nostalrius population is going to suffer as a result, but we are still going to sport population above the 4,000 mark.
Remember, having Kronos for a competitor is not a bad thing. It will give extra incentive to Nostalrius to shape up and get in line. One area of improvement where Nostalrius could take their cue from Kronos is with regards to staff activity on the forums.
From: eotrampage
To: Nobbynobs
kill yourself you pathetic shillloser, the world is better of without people like you