Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by HAEVNEREN » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:19 pm

Robotron wrote:Man, with all the ganking going around, I wish there were places where you and four other players could group up for, enter, kill lots of mobs and complete lots of high-EXP quests, get good gear, and not have to worry about the opposite faction...

The arrogance of these lazy ass alliance fucks, to think they should be able to relive some old vanilla zones, doing questing and shit to lvl 60. Who are these super demanding crybabies?
UD male

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Robotron » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:21 pm

They're claiming it's impossible to level, and I'm saying it's not; I did barely any quests from 45+.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by rubick » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:28 pm

Robotron wrote:They're claiming it's impossible to level, and I'm saying it's not; I did barely any quests from 45+.

Oh dont give us that shit... at lvl 50 a full ST run gives 30k xp only for killing mobs, and it takes 2-3hours, now add that together. Do you think its funny wasting 10 hours per lvl because questing is impossible?
If you find that funny or an "enjoyable" experience, I dare you to go roll on Alliance and show me how much fun you'll have

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Robotron » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:33 pm

I did not grind instances until 58, aside from a few Mara runs for my ring. I did every single dungeon quest, did the three token turn ins every bracket (farm at 49 to hand in tokens when you're 50), and supplemented with open world questing here and there to fill gaps.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by HAEVNEREN » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:34 pm

Robotron wrote:They're claiming it's impossible to level, and I'm saying it's not; I did barely any quests from 45+.

l0l. I take my chances and assume you know that by impossible they don't mean it literally. Theoretically you'll get to 60 sometime if you manage to kill 1 lvl 55 bat a week before being camped to shit. "Impossible" within the realm of reason. You follow?
UD male

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by l33tplaya97 » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:37 pm

Robotron wrote:They're claiming it's impossible to level, and I'm saying it's not; I did barely any quests from 45+.

l0l. I take my chances and assume you know that by impossible they don't mean it literally. Theoretically you'll get to 60 sometime if you manage to kill 1 lvl 55 bat a week before being camped to shit. "Impossible" within the realm of reason. You follow?

LOL dude you are so butthurt
im the best

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Robotron » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:55 pm

Robotron wrote:They're claiming it's impossible to level, and I'm saying it's not; I did barely any quests from 45+.

l0l. I take my chances and assume you know that by impossible they don't mean it literally. Theoretically you'll get to 60 sometime if you manage to kill 1 lvl 55 bat a week before being camped to shit. "Impossible" within the realm of reason. You follow?

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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by riq and snog » Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:32 pm

You people of the horde do realize that due to your excessive gank... i meant ranking, you buttfuck yourself in the long run?
i do understand u all want rank 14 gearz and dont give a shit about actual fun or challenge of pvp.
It takes a lot of noifing to get rank 14 back in the days, and on a huge pop server like this its even worse.
If u are serious about ranking talk to each other and make sure standings are within reach of a 4-5 hours per day ratio. Your biggest enemy is your own fraction so talk about top 20 standings each week and try to wait in line maybe? its healthier for everyone in the long run and will solve the 48+ ganking.
The more allys que the better it is for you in the long run.
But seeing the neckbeardism in the replies here and on other topics like this i fear 80% of you do not realize what a shitty honor system vanilla had and therefore cba working together as a fraction.

3 Months from now if u continue ranking by killing questing lvlers like bloodhounds you may be able to realize what you could have avoided with a little talk.:-)
riq and snog
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by DarkPhenomenon » Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:01 pm

It's not Rainbows and Ponies for Horde leveling either. I just hit searing gorge and thorium point is a dead zone. Maybe I just got "lucky" but every time I had to go to Thorium point it was overun by Alliance, the Horde flightmaster was dead and I had to corpse jump to hand in/get quests. I also never saw any "Roving Horde gank squads" either, but I've just started hitting the level 50 zones.

Also STV was also a nightmare for Horde, it took me 3 days to try and kill Bhag'thera since the spawn was constantly camped by Alliance. That means it took 3 days before a horde group was present.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Simonich » Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:02 pm

Uzephi wrote:
HAEVNEREN wrote:Sarcasm is a bitch on the world wide web.

Then why post irrelevant trash? Some of your posts are well thought out then you spit this out of your ass.

How the fuck you can have read my "well thought" posts and not immediately know i was being sarcastic is beyond me.

Image <3 <3 <3

Now back to topic;

Simonich wrote:
I made 2 world PvP guilds out of thin air, because I wanted to. Now for the same thing to be done, a wpvp leader is needed on alliance too

And when there's no faction to fight. That's the part horde wins the war :p
But that's just not gonna happen. That was my advice. Now don't expect developers to change anything or horde to suddenly stop killing alliance, that's not gonna happen. Its a waste of time.

Would be better if this post was made by some alliance guy who wants to make a change and get things done about this situation ingame, with a mood of motivation, endurance, a rising fist. And not crying.

That's it

Here's a tiny amount of math for you. Without any actual math. Read real closely now, big boy. If the current census indicates the ratio at lvl 60 is near 60/40 in horde favor, and alliance has a larger percentage of PVE'ers, how much worth do you think your "i made wpvp guilds" is actually worth when you are on the majority, pvp-oriented faction. You think that might play just a slight part in creating a world pvp guild, huh?

You made "2 world PvP guilds" out of the available playerbase.

You still with me, einstein? Now let's consider alliance actually establish one or more wpvp guilds, you know, out of a minority playerbase with few pvpers to start with, and then proceed to assault the ganking groups of 60s in the lvl 50+ zones. What do you think the outcome would be? The hordes would pack their shit up, call it a day and wank around? or might this just happen to attract even more hordes and thus end up fucking lvling alliance up even more? Come on, throw me a guess Newton. Don't hold back. Your solution is not viable with the current imbalance - The 60/40 (at times) ratio + horde pvp orientation and ally pve orientation taken into consideration.

I want horde to get good, short bg ques. It must be shit to wait 30 min or an hour to enter a bg which has a good chance of being a premade. I play on both factions, and the current horde bg scenario don't sound to good. Not in a fucking heartbeat would i find it logical to fuck up alliance chars somewhat close to level 60, though. If i whine about BG ques, why make them fucking longer by delaying the opposing faction so much?

I don't want a server/staff imposed restriction. I dont want hordes to get banned for griefing, wether or not that occured on retail. I just happen to think that its not such a bad idea to create alittle awareness on this matter, before the server possibly turns to shit. Fuck knows if it will work or produce anything productive. Maybe some hordes who lurk the forums see the idea. Maybe not. I Just appreciate this server and them FEELS™ it gives to have a big thriving community on both factions, with rivalries and drama set to come in a hopefully not too short future for the server.

Okay, since alliance can't save it by world pvping back, gg. Its too late I guess. Since we both know hordes won't magically stop doing what they're doing.

Maybe a couple of horde players will take this into consideration, but that won't change anything

Rip alliancealliance

Oh, and, I doubt fighting back will make things worse, that's stupid. Its not like hordes will spam everywhere
"Omgs ally fights back with 60s let's Kiel moar " and everyone will start ranking more.

People often go solo or in small groups to gank. If they die by other lvl 60 alliance you think the horde will shit out 2 more lvl 60s?

This isn't worth a discussion anymore, things will continue as they will IN the game, as most people are unaffected by the forums. I said my opinion, you said yours.
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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