by PriestInOurTime » Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:17 am
If they don't want this functionality, that is fine even though blocking it isn't Blizzlike. But banning people for doing exactly what was done in vanilla and wasn't ever sanctioned in any way, shape or form is simply unreasonable. What's next, banning people for using Decursive? That might sound silly, but Blizzard didn't originally intend for players to make decursive even though the functionality was readily available, it was however tolerated and eventually changed to no longer be possible. Sounds eerily familiar doesn't it?
Banning players because devs feel that something is unintended even though it was tolerated and never changed during all of retail vanilla is frankly frightening. You can download an addon, use it as intended, and get banned. That should NEVER happen.
When the server announcement went out I assumed that players had used software to modify packets sent to the server or something. That had made these bans reasonable and even on the light side, as is though the bannings are a massive overreaction. This warrants a serverwide system message from the GMs to please refrain from using that particular API function in conjunction with AV and then hastily block it serverside. No bans, no permanent-record "warnings" on the accounts, just notification that the devs prefer to run the server with that functionality turned off.
Pristine realms... Industrial levels of stupidity.