xt0rt wrote:
Last I saw in world, <Stormlords> are being lauded as the largest and most influential guild on the server. In addition, we are consistently being praised for fighting the good fight against slanderous bigoted antisemites and terrorist bronys here on the forums.
It seems to me that you are simply jealous of our proven valor and militaristic order. I must admit, even I was surprised at the amount of support Animegirl received when she decided to selflessly lead <Stormlords> after hearing about the tragic "demise" of Moradin. However, your jealously is simply no excuse for attacking innocent World of Warcraft players who are doing nothing but attempting to enjoy this game and server in relative peace and harmony. I ask that you cease and desist your attacks and make use of the /ignore functions provided to all players in-game.
Thanks and long live Israel!
- IDF Reservist Warakiya, Officer of <Stormlords> (Now under new management!)
I have no idea who these Stormlords are but after seeing this thread and this post I wouldnt hesitate to leave the guild first thing I did. This post is so full of not-so-subtle political BS implications that its hard to take seriously in any way, and its coming from an "officer" of Stormlords. What representation! How about you leave your disgusting Israel-promoting where it belongs, and not on a forum about wow and a topic about player reports.
And of course now I have to clearify that I have nothing against jews, just as I have nothing against any ethnic or religious group of people. What I do have a problem with is the state of Israel, Israeli occupation and US backed imperialist politics. And your precious IDF are just as bad as whatever you define as a "terrorist". But as I said, this discussion doesnt belong in this forum and I wont continue, it is just disturbing to see such a post.
It must be a convenient word to throw around against other wow players, not one being a terrorist. Who are these "terrorist bronys" anyway? There sure are alot of biggots thought and I try to report them all whenever I see hate speech.