Fear3d wrote:Zach wrote: Honest question, are you dumb? Where was it ever implied we wanted a statement about this idiot stepping down? We want an administrative response about the abuses of power and other such nonsense. I couldn't give a fuck if he was fired or stepped down; I care about why GMs are abusing their power and no actions are being taken against them to deter them.
Are you dumb? If he was fired for abusing power, then that means that actions are being taken to deter GMs from abusing power. One of this server's staff has already come onto this thread and given you a "response about abuses of power and other such nonsense." So what is it exactly that you're wanting? Do you really need an admin to come hold your hand and apply your Vagisil for you till you're done crying? The suspected party seems to have been punished and can no longer teleport people into raids, and you've received an assurance, from a representative of Nostalrius, that GMs are monitored and punished for abusing their powers. So case closed. Go about your business now. You may think that what you're doing is for the good of the server, but bitching excessively and stirring up a negative mob mentality will likely do more harm than good.
If he didn't port people in the dungeon and the only offense was that he posted once with his GM account as a fault, why did he step down or was purged?
If he was purged for abusing power then Witcher lied about the admin not abusing his power.
Either way the situation is pretty fishy. He should be still in place if he did everything accordingly except writing with the wrong account ONCE.
Currently an answer is required to sort this subject out.
In politics a general position is stated as of why somebody is kicked from his position. They may not give detailed information but they give an overall picture.
Their public relations department is badly run currently and they have to step up their game if they want to see people content with their statements. You can run a company as much as you want, if you dont take consequences on bad PR employees, good decisions still may result in a negative outcome for the public.