Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Præisten » Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:15 pm

Leveling beyond 47+ is fine. That's what vanilla is about - you will get ganked. Deal with it.

Here are some solutions to help leveling:
- get some 60s to help kill the gankers
- find a grinding spot and kill mobs for xp
- do some dungeons
- go to zones, which are not pvp hotspots and grind the green mobs there.
- if ganked, just logoff for 30 min and make a cup or tea or feed the dog. It's highly unlikely the gankers will still be there, when you login again.
- play at another time. At 3 am CET there aren't many online.
- level another toon
- join a party for questing. That way you will be less vulnerable for being ganked
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by toolshed » Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:27 pm

It seems like too many people are using quest guides and assuming that just following that guide is the fastest way to level. The quest guides are only the fastest way to level if you have unabridged access to all of the quest content - and obviously that is not the case on this server.

Leveling in vanilla on pvp servers, the best xp was always dungeons. Always. People liked it because not only do you get better loot/cash, but you never are interrupted from grinding.

If you are seriously having an awful time leveling on alliance, you should join a guild and start doing as many dungeons as possible. I would not reroll horde if I were you; the player base is a lot more toxic in general on horde with 'edgy racist' jokes everywhere.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Aluvian » Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:45 pm

Præisten wrote:Leveling beyond 47+ is fine. That's what vanilla is about - you will get ganked. Deal with it.

Here are some solutions to help leveling:
- get some 60s to help kill the gankers
- find a grinding spot and kill mobs for xp
- do some dungeons
- go to zones, which are not pvp hotspots and grind the green mobs there.
- if ganked, just logoff for 30 min and make a cup or tea or feed the dog. It's highly unlikely the gankers will still be there, when you login again.
- play at another time. At 3 am CET there aren't many online.
- level another toon
- join a party for questing. That way you will be less vulnerable for being ganked

Go try to level in a 48-52 zone alliance side. I dare you. It isn't possible. You might get to kill one mob. ONE mob. Before you get ganked by the multiple level 60 horde roaming the area looking for free honor. It is what it is, but a lot of alliance are rerolling horde for the much easier leveling experience. Don't expect BG queues to get any better for horde any time soon.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by l33tplaya97 » Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:06 pm

Aluvian wrote:
Præisten wrote:Leveling beyond 47+ is fine. That's what vanilla is about - you will get ganked. Deal with it.

Here are some solutions to help leveling:
- get some 60s to help kill the gankers
- find a grinding spot and kill mobs for xp
- do some dungeons
- go to zones, which are not pvp hotspots and grind the green mobs there.
- if ganked, just logoff for 30 min and make a cup or tea or feed the dog. It's highly unlikely the gankers will still be there, when you login again.
- play at another time. At 3 am CET there aren't many online.
- level another toon
- join a party for questing. That way you will be less vulnerable for being ganked

Go try to level in a 48-52 zone alliance side. I dare you. It isn't possible. You might get to kill one mob. ONE mob. Before you get ganked by the multiple level 60 horde roaming the area looking for free honor. It is what it is, but a lot of alliance are rerolling horde for the much easier leveling experience. Don't expect BG queues to get any better for horde any time soon.

im the best

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by cor3nth » Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:58 pm

I'm solo leveling a paladin (currently halfway thru 48) and mainly doing quests for exp. From my own experience I've noticed:

- Day of the week & time make huge differences how much I get ganked. I am playing from Pacific Time Zone (West Coast, USA). Weekends during the morning & daytime are the worse - I try to run instances instead (there's more players LFG anyway). I find that 10PM+ Mon-Thurs are generally very reasonable for questing, I may get ganked but I don't run into the death squads like I do during primetime.

- I'm pretty lousy @ pvp so I have died a lot - I've been frustrated to the point of yelling at my computer screen/slamming the mouse down etc. I still refuse to believe that its impossible to quest/grind mobs to 60 as Ally. I won't lie Tanaris has been brutal at times. I expect more of this in the 50+ zones.

- Most of the time I'm following one of the mainstream quest guides so I'm not off in hidden corner of zones. If it gets crazy, I log an alt, take a break etc. Often I'll change gears and move to a more mellow spot if I'm having a lot of trouble. I died to pvp more times than I care to share trying to finish the pirate hats quest on the Tanaris coast. :x

This thread is depressing to read as I get ready to enter my 50's, but at the same time I accept it as a challenge. Bring it!

Kaught - 48 Pally

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by DarkPhenomenon » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:12 pm

toolshed wrote:Leveling in vanilla on pvp servers, the best xp was always dungeons. Always. People liked it because not only do you get better loot/cash, but you never are interrupted from grinding.

Dungeons aren't even as good as questing if you *have* the quests, exp gains are downright pitiful without quests. Not sure what crack you're smoking...

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by rubick » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:27 pm

What the fuck do people smoke to say that going through dungeons multiple times gives good exp?
It doesnt. Its not worth the time invested at all compared to questing.
Only the runs where you have quests to do for it are worth, runs without are only good if some gear drops.
Well its funny that people say you should switch the zones and dont take the obvious paths for leveling, but guess what, did you notice that the ones hunting for ez honor where they dont have to share it with others are looking for those places, where they might find some ally just grinding his balls of.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by DarkPhenomenon » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:44 pm

Badtank wrote:
DarkPhenomenon wrote:Great, as someone who doesn't give a rats ass about pvp I couldn't be happier to hear more alliance quitting. Less pain leveling and more raiding options.

Good bye Alliance!

You know if one faction does the server dies right?

The server doesn't without one of the factions, that faction dies (and pvp dies). PvE folks like myself won't give a shit.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by HAEVNEREN » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:17 am

Præisten wrote:Leveling beyond 47+ is fine. That's what vanilla is about - you will get ganked. Deal with it.

Thanks, mr. horde.

Let's go through your "solutions". You know, those you gave as a horde, to alliance, without playing alliance. Yeah.

Præisten wrote:- get some 60s to help kill the gankers

Has been discussed ten times now. It's not possible and would hardly work given it was, considering the "gankers" are often 3+ amigos at lvl 60 with some pvp gear. Reasons are listed in the threads. To sum up, 60/40 lvl 60 ratio, bigger percentage of horde doing pvp.

Præisten wrote:- find a grinding spot and kill mobs for xp
- do some dungeons
- go to zones, which are not pvp hotspots and grind the green mobs there.

Sounds like amazing XP amigo, thanks for your lvling tips. What if everyone started going to grinding spots? Wouldnt be much grinding spot about it, and the horde would follow. Besides, most +45 zones are pvp hotspots, unless you want to spend half a year grinding in feralas until you can't get any more xp.

Præisten wrote:- if ganked, just logoff for 30 min and make a cup or tea or feed the dog. It's highly unlikely the gankers will still be there, when you login again.

That's funny, because according to your own statement here;

Præisten wrote:Yesterday, I was in a gank squad camping alliance for 45 min. Corpsecamped those noobs until they logged off.

It is very much likely the horde will still be there. Retard.

Præisten wrote:- play at another time. At 3 am CET there aren't many online.

Lol, easy for you to say, when your answer to the "how much do you play thread" was this;

Præisten wrote:About 12 hours on weekdays.
And about 12-16 hours at weekends.

Some of us have shit to do besides wow, mongrel.

Præisten wrote:- level another toon

Like you lvling your alliance?

Præisten wrote:- join a party for questing. That way you will be less vulnerable for being ganked

yeah, nothing like a 5 man team of 52's in queen shit gear to ward off a group of 60 pvp geared hordes. I bet youd love lvling allies to group up. More time to farm, less time to hunt.

UD male

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Præisten » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:20 am

Haevneren is just a noob.
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