Congratulations on writing a long ass reply without much actual material to discuss upon. Now we all know that you got some big words in your arsenal, and that you surpass even me in ad hominem "arguments".
Solmyr wrote:HAEVNEREN wrote:While your post leads to the conclusion that you have shit reading comprehension and/or is plain retarded. I'll explain why by debunking your worthless "input";
You've debunked absolutely nothing, except your own ability to carry out a logical debate.
If i have no ability to apply logic, why state it and not make it be clear to everyone by actually defending your views, and thus discredit me?
HAEVNEREN wrote:Alliance want the server to stay healthy and discuss the excessive lvl 60 group ganking of lvl 51+ players. The "regular" world pvp is conducted by both sides. STV is an almost equal sided gankfest. Its the end game zones where the things change. If it continues there won't be any fucking "world pvp" you logic-depraved neanderthal, just look at the lvl 50-60 census data updates for some empirical evidence.
Solmyr wrote:Alliance say they want the server to stay healthy, yet refuse to engage in world pvp, instead preferring to afk-premade-win battlegrounds for easy honour. Easier to troll forums than leave Ironforge, yet claim the moral high ground of wanting a healthy server. If Alliance want a healthy server they would make an effort to help their own faction.
It has been written a ton of times that a 60/40 lvl 60 ratio and alliance pve focus makes this next to impossible. I guess more lvl 60 alliance would make an effort if they could actually reach lvl 60. The alliance "plead" is because it is somewhat to late for your implementation, so this "just ding 60 and wpvp" option isn't an actual option. How is this not logical? Please elaborate if you disagree.
Solmyr wrote:As for your claims that there won't be any world pvp if this continues, I question your knowledge of the definition of world pvp if you present such ludicrous claims. World pvp is what's happening at the moment. And a few alliances are obviously displeased with that. You are the ones trying to stop world pvp, both by not engaging in it and by chastising those who engage in it. Lvl60s killing lvl~50s is still world pvp. If you think it's unfair, help the weaker side. Trolling the forums will not change anything. Not that I imagine you want anything to change, you just want someone to read your nonsense and satisfy your need for attention.
As mentioned before, it's not a simple go-to option of just "helping" the weaker side. I do try, though. But as an example, my lvl 49 char only do so much against a group of geared 60s. I don't want world pvp to be stopped, i dont plan on doing much else. I have almost 800 hks from world pvp alone. It would be sad to see the server get fucked because of excessive griefing, though. Do you not agree? You might claim that wont happen, but the census data thread and multiple and more frequent alliance whine threads show a different image. Do you want to "protect" excessive griefing even at the cost of server health? Many a private server has been all but abandoned because of ratios getting out of hand. The last bit of your post is just worthless ad hominem, so be it.
Solmyr wrote:HAEVNEREN wrote:The fuck are you talking about? Just about 9/10 of every horde reply justifices the ganking BECAUSE they have a hard time in instanced pvp because of 30+ min ques, and thus want more alliance to que some more so they can do more INSTANCED pvp. If the ques where instant the rankhunting hordes would sit in BGs allday everyday just like the alliance.
How do you know these are replies from Horde players, let alone PvPers? You base your assumptions on hearsay and extrapolate data about the entire Horde from it. I might feel insulted by such slander, had I not already dismissed the entirety of your posts as the ramblings of an outraged interneter.
Brutal nitpicking, but I base that on the fact that many acknowledge they are horde, or at least discuss from grounds where you can assume they are horde. None the less, i can only base it on the views i am presented here in this forum, as this is where we discuss. In both this thread but even more so in my original thread there are plenty of horde saying they do it to farm HK while waiting for bg ques. If this is not the case, what is your suggested reason?
Solmyr wrote:You base your assumptions on hearsay and extrapolate data about the entire Horde from it.
In your original post you conclude alliance want instanced pvp and hordes want world pvp. Dont be a hypocrite if you try to dismantle, it doesn't work.
Solmyr wrote:This whole series of threads is leading me to a disturbing conclusion.
Alliance want to play instanced-PvP (battlegrounds) and frown down on world PvP.
"hearsay and extrapolate data". you conclude on the posts and answers in these threads. So do i.
Solmyr wrote:HAEVNEREN wrote:How can you read these threads and conclude such nonsense?
Goddamn bring something better to the table, 2 ez to rip you a new one when youre full of shit.
How can you read your own posts (you probably don't, I imagine) and surmise that they bear any value upon the community? Your language alone bespeaks a [recent] adolescence filled with nerdrage over internet-related incidents. It is not we, but your local psychologist, that ought to be the audience of your disturbed conscience.
My attack was based on my debunking of your post. Your attack is just an attack without any actual grounds. Besides an assumption that i must have pissed you off real good in my reply.
To sum up your conclusion;
Alliance want instanced pvp.
Hordes want world pvp.This is wrong, at least based on these threads, where it is stated multiple times they farm HKs. Also note that they farm higher lvl areas where they "conveniently" gain honor from the killings.
PvP wise, alliance are outnumbered. In a bg setting its equal numbers. Alliance got instant ques. They stick to premades. Horde do make premades as well, but farm lvl 51+s on the side, because of long ques. I would love an explanation to why this assumption is wrong.and;
Alliance need to fix it by killing the hordes through world pvp.This isn't possible. Ratios and pve mentality. Your original message was wrong, and i pointed that out. That's it. You can try to snake out of it all you want with ad hominem and facy words if you want, but if you intend to reply, comment on this last conclusion.