Robotron wrote:It's not like virtually all the best guilds in the world use loot council or anything.
Gearing 20 people is not the same as 40, don't play that game.
Rylox wrote:LOL no DKP sucks... A shadowpriest getting a tear just because he has the DKP for it (seen it happen)...
A hunter could take a CHT over a rogue? A quick strike over a warrior? etc. etc. WTF?
Or at the very least cause these people to pay more for something they should have sole rights to first.
Outside of stacking a set bonus if you see some people get way smaller upgrades constantly than other well deserving people it should be spoken up about.
LC also takes into consideration your performance (not simply attendance) which is very huge.
Hi my name is silly look at me, I played with bad people that let DKP be abused let me use that to explain why it's bad. I am silly look at me being silly.
Datruth wrote:Corrupt shit councils aside, the only people who disagrees with loot council is either self-entitled loot whores who just wants to look "cool" in the major cities or people who are just plain bad.
Putting the item where it benefits the raid most>communism. Stacking 8/8 of certain sets on one person first is just superior and countless other examples.
Kek. You still do semi-council in a good DKP system tard bucket. You still get tanks loot first in order, you still get priests 8/8 T2 in order, same with hunters. DKP dosen't just mean hurr durr spent my points on what ever it means a fair way of making sure everyone gets equal loot.