Lootcouncil in a nutshell

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Re: Lootcouncil in a nutshell

by Rylox » Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:16 am

LOL no DKP sucks... A shadowpriest getting a tear just because he has the DKP for it (seen it happen)...
A hunter could take a CHT over a rogue? A quick strike over a warrior? etc. etc. WTF?

Or at the very least cause these people to pay more for something they should have sole rights to first.

Outside of stacking a set bonus if you see some people get way smaller upgrades constantly than other well deserving people it should be spoken up about.

LC also takes into consideration your performance (not simply attendance) which is very huge.
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Re: Lootcouncil in a nutshell

by Drain » Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:35 am

That's if your DKP is willy nilly and lets anyone take anything. I didn't say it shouldn't have restrictions or some regulation. But I'd still rather have that over LC. DKP can potentially be bad or good depending on how it's used, regardless, at least it's fair. LC however is never going to be good or fair no matter how it's used.
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Re: Lootcouncil in a nutshell

by Datruth » Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:03 am

Drain wrote:LC however is never going to be good or fair no matter how it's used.
Is that your conclusion after having ONE experience with it? :roll:

"I like all the suckers buying overpriced greens thinking that's better than the free blues they could have gotten from dungeons. It's not, and even if it was, you're still stupid for having burnt 100g for it. The most retarded ones even think greens are better than tier purples(IT'S NOT). If you think that +damage or +heal is the only stat in this game, you're doing it wrong, and that's why you're paying a fortune for what is basically garbage, then handicapping the raids that carry you. The people selling these things to you for an arm and a leg are loving it(I would know). Ironically, items that are better go for a hell of lot less. If you are say, a scrub Mage, you can actually hock a Frozen Wrath for example to some retard who spends 150g on it, then use like 10g out of that to buy a higher level Eagle item, pocketing the rest. You got a better item for almost nothing while the other guy traded a kidney to buy a piece of junk."

judging by the fact you wrote this recently (Before the pvp update) just goes to show you are a baddie.
My point about baddies and loot whores from the previous page still stands :)
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Re: Lootcouncil in a nutshell

by Muhsogyny » Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:30 am

If you're a new player in a guild, yeah, you're not going to get anything for a while using Loot Council. Yet the same is true for a DKP system. You'll still get items no one wants in both systems. If you prove yourself with attendance, consumables, and playing your role competently, then chances are you're going to be recognized above other players in the guild that may have been there longer than you but are not contributing as much to the raid.
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Re: Lootcouncil in a nutshell

by Böw » Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:53 am

THIS THREAD IS THE BEST THING EVER@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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Re: Lootcouncil in a nutshell

by rinaun » Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:03 am

Drain wrote:After being screwed by Clan Thunder

Oh fuckin' boy.

Yeah, I'm sensing some reoccurring trends from your story and my personal experiences in CT. I'm so glad I bailed after hearing your story. I think the most comical part was hearing them try to convince me to run MC until their MT/OT got 8/8 RIGHT AFTER the previous MT left and took shit with him.

It's a shame too, because there is some really chill people in that guild too (Busterposey is mah nigs).

Re: Lootcouncil in a nutshell

by Badtank » Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:09 am

Robotron wrote:It's not like virtually all the best guilds in the world use loot council or anything.

Gearing 20 people is not the same as 40, don't play that game.

Rylox wrote:LOL no DKP sucks... A shadowpriest getting a tear just because he has the DKP for it (seen it happen)...
A hunter could take a CHT over a rogue? A quick strike over a warrior? etc. etc. WTF?

Or at the very least cause these people to pay more for something they should have sole rights to first.

Outside of stacking a set bonus if you see some people get way smaller upgrades constantly than other well deserving people it should be spoken up about.

LC also takes into consideration your performance (not simply attendance) which is very huge.

Hi my name is silly look at me, I played with bad people that let DKP be abused let me use that to explain why it's bad. I am silly look at me being silly.

Datruth wrote:Corrupt shit councils aside, the only people who disagrees with loot council is either self-entitled loot whores who just wants to look "cool" in the major cities or people who are just plain bad.

Putting the item where it benefits the raid most>communism. Stacking 8/8 of certain sets on one person first is just superior and countless other examples.

Kek. You still do semi-council in a good DKP system tard bucket. You still get tanks loot first in order, you still get priests 8/8 T2 in order, same with hunters. DKP dosen't just mean hurr durr spent my points on what ever it means a fair way of making sure everyone gets equal loot.
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Re: Lootcouncil in a nutshell

by Particles » Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:17 pm

Badtank wrote:Kek. You still do semi-council in a good DKP system tard bucket. You still get tanks loot first in order, you still get priests 8/8 T2 in order, same with hunters. DKP dosen't just mean hurr durr spent my points on what ever it means a fair way of making sure everyone gets equal loot.

In a good LC system you keep track of loots and probably quantify them in some way, probably similar to how a good dkp system might work. LC doesn't mean hurr durr give all the loots to people we like cuz fuck steve.

In other words a good dkp system and a good LC system aren't all that different.... It's just a function of what the leaders want to run, and whether they'd rather set up a robust transparent dkp system or build a set of knowledgeable, impartial and trusted people to run a loot council.

There are differences between LC and DKP, but in a well run guild they're insignificant and come down to personal preference. Most of the issues blamed on either system are just because either system can be run incompetently.

Re: Lootcouncil in a nutshell

by Datruth » Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:50 pm

Badtank wrote:
Datruth wrote:Corrupt shit councils aside, the only people who disagrees with loot council is either self-entitled loot whores who just wants to look "cool" in the major cities or people who are just plain bad.

Putting the item where it benefits the raid most>communism. Stacking 8/8 of certain sets on one person first is just superior and countless other examples.

Kek. You still do semi-council in a good DKP system tard bucket. You still get tanks loot first in order, you still get priests 8/8 T2 in order, same with hunters. DKP dosen't just mean hurr durr spent my points on what ever it means a fair way of making sure everyone gets equal loot.

In order for a well run DKP systems to be on par with a well run LC you would have to make restrictions to the point where you might aswell do LC. Giving mages prio on Ring of Spell Power because warlocks can get Band of Dark Dominion in BWL would be a great example of something I'm sure none DKP guild does, and a lot of other small stuff besides the obvious MT prio.

I can't see why you would hate on LC unless if you're a selfish prick in which case you shouldn't be in a 40 man raiding enviroment to begin with. Who cares if you got 1 BiS item less than someone else even though you attended 1 more raid than him in the past few months, you're on the same team and you're supposed to be pulling in the same direction, at some point it will even out unless if the council is complete shit, but badly run dkp guilds are just as cancerous so no point in using those as an argument.

TL;DR having competent people distribute the goods is inarguably better than bid wars (even if there are a few restrictions)
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Stone Guard

Re: Lootcouncil in a nutshell

by smilkovpetko » Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:53 pm

There is no system that suck . There is only Guilds that suck by giving priority on Items toward individuals instead following basic needs of overall players.
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