Good post, Solmyr.
Solmyr wrote:
Skipping over the personal attacks, which would not lead to a productive discussion, your first claim is that due to the 60/40 ratio and the alliance pve focus, fighting back is next to impossible. This general argument might sway some of our lazier readers, but those who prefer data would see its flaw. Despite the perceived high number of lvl60 Horde ganking, the total amount of gankers is still a small fraction of the Horde population - the rest are doing other things, namely farming, doing PvE, battlegrounds or afking in Orgrimmar.
True, but i would argue that it hardly matters wether its a small fraction of the total horde population or not - as long as it's enough to hint a bad trend on the census data. Besides, the census data is one thing, i don't know if you play alliance chars in the 40s and 50s zones, but the chat is literally full of whine at times, and people do actually quit. Out of the 4 guys i added after a super fast uldaman run, only one is still at it, being a 51 dwarf warrior, but he is on the brink of quitting. Yeah yeah, whiny shit and so on and so on.
Solmyr wrote:Since we have no credible source of exact numbers, we can't clarify the exact figures any further, but the gist of the counterargument is that there are plenty of lvl60 allies, in absolute numbers, to counter and totally obliterate all of the current lvl60 Horde gankers, even with the 60/40 ratio in place. PvE focus is not really an inhibitor to world PvP, as current PvE content is cleared in 1 night by most raiding guilds, allowing their players plenty of time to fight in the high level zones.
I can't know for sure. However, regarding what i have highlighted, this is fine in theory, but doesn't apply in practical terms. These pve carebears are not easily, if at all, persuaded into doing the job wpvp wise.
Solmyr wrote:Your next claim is that this entire series of events will lead to the server being fucked and deteriorating in health. Since these terms are generally applied to animate objects, server not being such, I shan't make attempts at guessing what you meant exactly. Lastly you mention that many other private servers were abandoned due to faction ratio imbalance. Frankly I see no clear logical link between the current events discussed (Horde engaging in world pvp) and faction ratio imbalance. Au contraire, I can give you evidence that the world pvp herein discussed has a net positive effect on the server's population (both factions, more strongly on Alliance):
Just a disclaimer; if you read through my posts i very often if not always state that it "might" end up fucking things up. I don't have a definitive answer, i only have access to pop data. More weeks with more data will naturally give a stronger base to discuss from.
Solmyr wrote:- World pvp is one of the defining features of vanilla, unfortunately due to the low populations on most private servers it hardly exists. Nostalrius featuring ongoing world pvp battles would do a great deal in promoting the server to new players.
Maybe, but on the contrary, looking at these forums as a new player might shun you from playing alliance. "Dont make the posts then". "Stop camping lvling people then". The reasons can be many, either way its not a good thing to be met with when choosing faction.
Solmyr wrote:
Faction balance within the current boundaries (~60/40) affects the choice of some players on which faction they would roll. When the ratio is more imbalanced (say 80/20) and/or if the server is low populated, people tend to choose the more populated faction to ensure they'll have people to play with. On high populated servers like Nostalrius however, where the faction balance is close to perfect*, the only objective criterion left is battleground queues. Currently alliance features much more favourable queues, therefore it is natural that PvPers would choose to roll alliance, if faction balance alone were the determining factor to their decision.*I define perfect as within 45-55 range, either way. No faction balance on any server, ever, has been 50/50, and few private servers have ever had 45-55 range balance.
The actual faction balance is very good, especially for a server this side. It often ranges from 55-45 to even 51-49 in horde favor. However, at lvl 60, and 50-59 it's looking pretty different, and the evolution of these statistics has gotten worse. So what might not present as a problem now, could possibly do so later, and snowball out of control.
Solmyr wrote:You admit that you base your opinions on the forum posts of people, none of which is a reliable source of data, as a few vocal people can make themselves look like majority. You correctly referred back to my first post in this thread, wherein I began by stating what I base my conclusions on. Had you attacked my post based on its data source, I would've acknowledged your counterargument as correct, for the source is indeed rubbish. But since you use the same source yourself, it would invalidate your own argument. And since this entire series of threads is rubbish in my view, I wouldn't mind if my initial argument (the one about what Ally/Horde on Nos value in PvP) is proven invalid, as long as the arguments of others, whose source are the same opinions of loud, arsehurt, manchildren, are also invalidated.
Solmyr wrote:Finally, you claim that Horde does it merely to farm HKs, but a great many posters admitted to joining the world pvp teams simply for fun and to get a reaction from alliance players - in fact this series of threads has probably contributed significantly to increasing the number of Horde world pvpers, due to many people joining simply to share in the fun.
Of course the Hordes will go to the higher level areas for world pvp - where else would you like them to go? Would you rather have lvl60s doing world pvp in Redridge or in Winterspring/Burning Steppes/EPL? The latter zones are specifically designed to accommodate world pvp in addition to leveling.
Alliance might be outnumbered PvP-wise, but only because many alliance players choose not to PvP. But that's the thing about PvPing in an MMO - it's not always a choice. Your enemy can choose to engage you and if you don't want to fight back, you'll just die. There are plenty of alliance players choosing not to PvP (neither BGs, nor world), thus it is they, who are to blame the most for their brethren's defeat in the 50-60 leveling zones.
No, Alliance at lvl 60 (which is what i assume we consider adequate "help" material since the ganking hordes are 60, and often pretty OK geared) is not equal in pop as the horde. Total server pop, almost, but where it matters, 50-60, no.
Solmyr wrote:Your attack might be based on debunking my initial post, but as you clearly see now, I do not mind that post being debunked. I actually started it by providing people with a way to debunk it, namely the source of my conclusions. Having you debunk my initial argument is my way of making you prove my actual argument, which is that the entire situation with world PvP is nothing abnormal and needs no addressing besides encouragement for more alliance players to participate.
Such is your opinion, which is fine. Reading my original post in my thread on the forums, i state it's just a heads up. No idea or bigger hope that anything remarkable would be produced from it, but i took my chances, based on the last few weeks of experience regarding whine and server population evolution at later levels. I dont argue from a personal involvement with the server in its current setting. I wont reroll, ill keep playing and being an avid world pvper ill hopefully have a better "pain" tolerance on the griefing than most others. A lot don't, though.
What consequences do you see if said solution of encouraging Alliance players to participate won't work? Do you think the server population ratio will get better or worse as even more people hit the lvl 48-50 wall?