An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by zachqt » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:47 pm

Saiaku wrote:
I've seen your guild around before dude, I know exactly where it comes from and know how you usualy operate.

I remember your guild from scriptcraft, known for exploiting content with more than 1 GM at your guild and helping you with bugs and other "inconveniences" that the other guilds just couldn't surprass because they hadn't a bunch of GMs being part of their guild.

No, you know people say we exploit. If GRIZZLY is some big cult of hacker exploiters on 4+ servers why are we never banned? Maybe, just maybe, people like you make shit up and then other idiots believe it.

Saiaku wrote:Then you come here, face a few bugs, blame GMs .. then leave with a bunch of drama. Get real.
No, we came here and were faced with bugs that do not exist on core mangos. We were faced with unhealthy GM conversations and constant accusations while receiving mixed signals from different GMs. GM communication is nonexistent and we are now leaving with a note to the GMs as to why we are leaving and some of the issues with the server. If you honestly believe our posts to be nothing more than "lol we're the best fuck you guys peace" then I feel bad for you. It must be hard to live in such an ignorant full bubble of your own negligence.

Saiaku wrote:What I think is that you or a few people in your guild got mad because GM's at this server wouldn't give you any special treatment, there's a syndrom at private servers called the "no-lifing syndrom"
We're "mad" because other guilds WERE getting special treatment and different GMs had different agendas. It's okay to not stick to the release schedule Nost had at first put up, 100% perfectly okay. It's not okay for it to be 100% ignored and never be updated as you people stick up for them with your bullshit IT'S FREE YOU'RE ENTITLED. That's not healthy and all it does is tell the administration of Nost that it's okay to never update.

Saiaku wrote:TIP : Just because you no-life over a private server, it doesn't give you the right to any special treatment, perks or other nasty advantages.

All your reasons for leaving are stupid at best: - They do not follow release schedule?

- Bugs aren't fixed in time?
- GM's apparently are lazy and can't get bothered to help you?

Well tbh, most of it is that the server is buggy and nostalrius isn't following their release schedule, the rest is just obnoxious nerd talk.

GUESS WHAT!!! This is a private server, bugs will exist, exist and existed, deal with it or go back to blizzard, even then you will face bugs, money grabbing tactics and other stuff.

Once again, good ridance.
It's okay for bugs to exist, it's not okay for a single bug to be unable to be properly tested in a TESTING ENVIRONMENT for two weeks and then ignored for another two weeks and then have the bug be even worse for a few days before they fix it. How this is going over your head is amazing.

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Thompz » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:48 pm

The real truth - They were not as dominant as they thought they were going to be and realize they won't get the server first Nef kill so they are jumping ship before the embarrassment.

There whole guild apart from about 5 or so were raid loggers, I barely ever saw any of them on for testing (Phoenix has had nearly a full raid of 40 for AV testing, a lot of groups testing DM)

I think you had like 1-2 Azuregos and 0 Kazzak kills too, you got server first Rag because it was bugged.

A handful of your members got banned for exploit/bug abusing and you can't get away with half the shit you pulled on other private servers that you could here. Anyone who has played on any private server knows that this is by far the most stable, well scripted private server to date, so don't use that as an excuse.

Enjoy Kronos where you can buy the GM's and exploit all you like!

Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by varth » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:50 pm

Sad to see you guys go, it's crazy how the casuals don't see the value in the hardcore guilds. Without the GRIZZLYs of the world testing all the content well before all the casual dipshits got there it would be even MORE delayed and buggy than it already is.

Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by rekt » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:52 pm

corecraft when?

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Saiaku » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:56 pm

zachqt wrote:
Saiaku wrote:
I've seen your guild around before dude, I know exactly where it comes from and know how you usualy operate.

I remember your guild from scriptcraft, known for exploiting content with more than 1 GM at your guild and helping you with bugs and other "inconveniences" that the other guilds just couldn't surprass because they hadn't a bunch of GMs being part of their guild.

No, you know people say we exploit. If GRIZZLY is some big cult of hacker exploiters on 4+ servers why are we never banned? Maybe, just maybe, people like you make shit up and then other idiots believe it.

Saiaku wrote:Then you come here, face a few bugs, blame GMs .. then leave with a bunch of drama. Get real.
No, we came here and were faced with bugs that do not exist on core mangos. We were faced with unhealthy GM conversations and constant accusations while receiving mixed signals from different GMs. GM communication is nonexistent and we are now leaving with a note to the GMs as to why we are leaving and some of the issues with the server. If you honestly believe our posts to be nothing more than "lol we're the best fuck you guys peace" then I feel bad for you. It must be hard to live in such an ignorant full bubble of your own negligence.

Saiaku wrote:What I think is that you or a few people in your guild got mad because GM's at this server wouldn't give you any special treatment, there's a syndrom at private servers called the "no-lifing syndrom"
We're "mad" because other guilds WERE getting special treatment and different GMs had different agendas. It's okay to not stick to the release schedule Nost had at first put up, 100% perfectly okay. It's not okay for it to be 100% ignored and never be updated as you people stick up for them with your bullshit IT'S FREE YOU'RE ENTITLED. That's not healthy and all it does is tell the administration of Nost that it's okay to never update.

Saiaku wrote:TIP : Just because you no-life over a private server, it doesn't give you the right to any special treatment, perks or other nasty advantages.

All your reasons for leaving are stupid at best: - They do not follow release schedule?

- Bugs aren't fixed in time?
- GM's apparently are lazy and can't get bothered to help you?

Well tbh, most of it is that the server is buggy and nostalrius isn't following their release schedule, the rest is just obnoxious nerd talk.

GUESS WHAT!!! This is a private server, bugs will exist, exist and existed, deal with it or go back to blizzard, even then you will face bugs, money grabbing tactics and other stuff.

Once again, good ridance.
It's okay for bugs to exist, it's not okay for a single bug to be unable to be properly tested in a TESTING ENVIRONMENT for two weeks and then ignored for another two weeks and then have the bug be even worse for a few days before they fix it. How this is going over your head is amazing.

How would you get banned if your first objective is to get GM's at your guild? And I'm not creating shit up, I was part of Grizzly at scriptcraft for a while before I realised that what you did sometimes couldn't even be called "raiding"

You're still spewing the same bullshit and everyone with half a brain can see it, you're butthurt because you couldn't friend any GMs this time and drowned in your toxic logic you can't even see the ridiculousness of this whole situation.

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by Hatson » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:58 pm

I quit in late April myself. And I'm a bit sad to see and hear how it has been going since then. I really hope the best for Nostalrius and its' community. I had a lot of love for the server, but it's not something I'm going to get too involved with anymore.
I think I'm just past privates at this point. I never end up happy with it. But I will commend Nos devs, GMs, testers, etc, for whatever time and work they put into it - I know for a fact some people did a lot of work.
It was for the time I played the best experience I have had on a vanilla private, at least.
I think Crone's post here earlier sums up a lot of things nicely. Good post, Crone.

As for Grizzly, well, I hardly knew them really. But during the testing phase I got to know some better like Nervous and such. And some of the streamers of Grizzly.
Best of luck to whatever it is you're doing now.
Last edited by Hatson on Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The White Blacksmith.
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Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by zachqt » Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:00 pm

Saiaku wrote:
How would you get banned if your first objective is to get GM's at your guild? And I'm not creating shit up, I was part of Grizzly at scriptcraft for a while before I realised that what you did sometimes couldn't even be called "raiding"

You're still spewing the same bullshit and everyone with half a brain can see it, you're butthurt because you couldn't friend any GMs this time and drowned in your toxic logic you can't even see the ridiculousness of this whole situation.

How is our first objective to get GM's in our guild? We were constantly harassed by GMs and treated differently than most other guilds, not sure where you people are even creating this misinformation from now. I'd love to hear some examples of what we apparently did on Scriptcraft, all of your proof and valid information is really compelling. What bullshit? What in our first posts is incorrect. Please, PLEASE, disprove a single thing we said about the handling of this server as a whole in our first three or so posts.

In two posts your logic went from "You guys are all hackers and exploiters" to "you can't get banned because you have GMs" to "you guys are quitting because you have no GMs in your guild". Which one is it dude?

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by DeeMarie » Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:01 pm

varth wrote:Sad to see you guys go, it's crazy how the casuals don't see the value in the hardcore guilds. Without the GRIZZLYs of the world testing all the content well before all the casual dipshits got there it would be even MORE delayed and buggy than it already is.


Unfortunately this is the case, but I'm sure the guilds who make up the backbone of any server will risk those testing bans for the casuals to enjoy their content when they get to it.

Thompz wrote:The real truth - They were not as dominant as they thought they were going to be and realize they won't get the server first Nef kill so they are jumping ship before the embarrassment.

Yeah we hung around in MC for four months because we planned to leave just before BWL was announced (on PTR) :lol:

I do know Nope and DS somewhat from Emerald Dream and they are very good. But I've never played in a guild so militantly organised like Grizzly. I'm disappointed we won't be in the race with those guilds but after AV I don't think I could deal with a Nostalrius BWL...
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by zachqt » Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:03 pm

Thompz wrote:The real truth - They were not as dominant as they thought they were going to be and realize they won't get the server first Nef kill so they are jumping ship before the embarrassment.

There whole guild apart from about 5 or so were raid loggers, I barely ever saw any of them on for testing (Phoenix has had nearly a full raid of 40 for AV testing, a lot of groups testing DM)

I think you had like 1-2 Azuregos and 0 Kazzak kills too, you got server first Rag because it was bugged.

A handful of your members got banned for exploit/bug abusing and you can't get away with half the shit you pulled on other private servers that you could here. Anyone who has played on any private server knows that this is by far the most stable, well scripted private server to date, so don't use that as an excuse.

Enjoy Kronos where you can buy the GM's and exploit all you like!


Really spreading your bullshit on pretty thick here pal.

Re: An Open Letter From <GRIZZLY>

by ritjos71 » Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:04 pm

It's pretty clear that most people already decided what they were going to post on this thread before they opened it, most didn't even bother reading the first paragraph. To everyone who thinks that Grizzly and other nerds had unreal expectations etc. Let me just link the very updated Nost timeline. This can be found directly on the nost page, or in the faqs.


At what point does just taking the devs for their word mean creating unrealistic expectations? At what point does everyone else start hearing the alarm go off because this thing hasn't been updated since a month before launch? Not only does a guild that started here have "unrealistic" expectations because of this timeline, but the fact that no effort has been put into creating an adjusted/updated version of this timeline means nobody has any framework to create what you would call realistic expectations.

The nost staff probably over estimated what they could pull off when they created that first timeline, but now almost 5 months after launch recreating this more accurately should be very possible.

I just don't know if communication will ever improve if it's not something that the entire player base unites and asks for, and as I read all these comments it's clear that bashing people with constructive criticism is this communities highest priority.


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