Mopar wrote:The DME concerns are there because it involves several common components:
Does it involve a "trick?" Yes. /script ResetInstances(); followed by /camp. This ports you to outside DM west, and means you can exit the instance without dying or having to complete it once you gave jumped down. This provides an "advantage."
Does it allow you to gain "a lot" of gold in "a short" amount of time? Yes. You can farm an epic mount in a week. My wife did this for two mounts on Valkyrie.
Is it playing the game "the way it was meant to be played?" Questionable, and a judgement call that is made by Nost staff, not the players. So, I would say yes. But I also would have said that of mining nodes on a 45 min respawn timer. Nost staff disagreed. People got banned. Not I, however.
So that's why players are asking about it. I agree that it is ridiculous to have to worry about it. But that is the exact issue that this thread is about. The thread is essentially asking Nostalrius to stop using the tactic of banning a few people, the warning them. Instead, they should warn first, then if players don't comply, THEN a ban is appropriate, particularly in something that is borderline whether legit or not, or not obviously a bug.
But since there seems to be no movement in this, players are forced to ask about things that seem like they could be an issue, even when that sounds ridiculous.
Like farming DME.
Why do you always go on a rant without reading dude? I already explained multiple times why your concerns are completely ridiculous.
I know how it works, but that script is being used by literally every level60 I know, not just DME farmers. Do you honestly believe they would ban half their community over that script?
I farm DME like a mad man and I don't even use the script. Logging out while in a group have the exact same effect, so I don't see how it's any advantage at all. Are you sure you can even use the script in the scenario you described here on nost? You gotta be outside of the instance for it to work.
I don't understand how misinformation about the miners are still floating around. No one was banned because of the 45 minute timer which is blizzlike, they were banned because the veins didn't alternate spawn locations, which made it possible for the dedicated players to monopolize it, anyone should know that's not how nodes are supposed to work.
"I agree that it is ridiculous to have to worry about it". Don't exploit shit and you're good, no need to worry about anything.
Play the game instead of speculating on the forums. Banhammers aren't being thrown around as wildly as the crybabies in the Support section try to make it seem like in order to gain sympathy from the playerbase. It's too easy to just blame the GMs for your wrong doings.