impossible wrote:This discussion is equivalent to what's better, windows or mac? At the end of the day it boils down to personal preference per individual. Tbh sad that certain individuals can't let it go and understand that it again, boils down to preference.
Badtank wrote:Robotron wrote:It's not like virtually all the best guilds in the world use loot council or anything.
Gearing 20 people is not the same as 40, don't play that game.
Robotron wrote:Don't pretty much all of the best guilds on Nost use loot council, too?
DankAzZmemer wrote:Robotron wrote:Don't pretty much all of the best guilds on Nost use loot council, too?
the neetguilds like nope,coalition and dreamstate use lootcouncil because they are actually pushing for server firsts and thus use it in an efficient way (most of the times anyway)
there are several guilds who cleared bwl in the first week who use dkp like Entitled,blacklisted or dank buddz
then there are shitter guilds like yours who use lootcouncil and still wipe 4 hours on vael and call bwl for the week.
DankAzZmemer wrote:then there are shitter guilds like yours who use lootcouncil and still wipe 4 hours on vael and call bwl for the week.
Robotron wrote:DankAzZmemer wrote:then there are shitter guilds like yours who use lootcouncil and still wipe 4 hours on vael and call bwl for the week.
You are sorely misinformed. Nice try, though.
notgunnahappen wrote:DankAzZmemer wrote:Robotron wrote:Don't pretty much all of the best guilds on Nost use loot council, too?
the neetguilds like nope,coalition and dreamstate use lootcouncil because they are actually pushing for server firsts and thus use it in an efficient way (most of the times anyway)
there are several guilds who cleared bwl in the first week who use dkp like Entitled,blacklisted or dank buddz
then there are shitter guilds like yours who use lootcouncil and still wipe 4 hours on vael and call bwl for the week.
Only Entitled out of that list cleared BWL
Robotron wrote:DankAzZmemer wrote:then there are shitter guilds like yours who use lootcouncil and still wipe 4 hours on vael and call bwl for the week.
You are sorely misinformed. Nice try, though.