I just did a Census check. I pruned it so that all characters not seen in the last 30 days were removed from the census check. At this time there was a total amount of 7654 players online.
Horde census scan results:Amount of players: 1431
At level: 60
Server time: 23:00
Date: 11-10-2015
Note: This cencus was taken at an earlier time. There were 7654 players online when the horde cencus was taken. There were 7230 players online when the alliance cencus was taken.
ClassesWarrior: 284 - 19%
Mage: 216 - 15%
Rogue: 202 - 14%
Warlock: 181 - 12%
Priest: 168 - 11%
Shaman: 147 10%
Hunter: 139 - 9%
Druid: 94 - 6%
RacesUndead: 672 - 46%
Orc: 363 - 25%
Tauren: 223 - 15%
Troll: 173 - 12%
Alliance census scan results:Amount of players: 1119
At level: 60
Server time: 23:20
Note: This cencus was taken at a later time. There were 7654 players online when the horde cencus was taken. There were 7230 players online when the alliance cencus was taken.
ClassesWarrior: 191 - 17%
Mage: 161 - 14%
Rogue: 173 - 15%
Priest: 131 - 11%
Paladin: 131 - 11%
Hunter: 124 - 11%
Warlock: 118- 10%
Druid: 90 - 8%
RacesHuman: 519 - 46%
Night Elf: 289 - 25%
Gnome: 174 - 15%
Dwarf: 137 - 12%
Note: This was done in the spur of the moment, it was inspired by the quality work that Noxm has provided us for all these months. Keep it up Noxm! I appreciate all the data that you collected and shared with us.
Edit: Haha Noxm, you made one at the same time as me. Awesome