Guilds are killing Ragnaros using an exploit. Proof inside.

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Re: Guilds are killing Ragnaros using an exploit. Proof insi

by Garfunkel » Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:02 pm

eotrampage wrote:You are dumber than shit, literally...

Weren't you supposed to leave?
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Re: Guilds are killing Ragnaros using an exploit. Proof insi

by Paultrouble » Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:37 pm

Trancid wrote:Ridin Dirty and Grizzly killed Rag legit both times they did it. I know for a fact RD did it legit.

NOPE on the other hand, with 350 people watching live on stream, exploited Rag and that's how all this controversy started.

RD and Grizzly don't deserve to be mentioned in this rag exploit thread.

stop beeing devil's layer

Re: Guilds are killing Ragnaros using an exploit. Proof insi

by Trancid » Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:14 am

Paultrouble wrote:
Trancid wrote:Ridin Dirty and Grizzly killed Rag legit both times they did it. I know for a fact RD did it legit.

NOPE on the other hand, with 350 people watching live on stream, exploited Rag and that's how all this controversy started.

RD and Grizzly don't deserve to be mentioned in this rag exploit thread.

stop beeing devil's layer

excuse me? your lack of making sense is strong.


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