Were all 4 players of that same guild?
If so, I'll add funkasaur and strikeslip to the OP as well since they seem to approve the ninja action of their fellow guildie.
Orco wrote:Is ninja skining considered as a ninja loot ? Because if it is then i have a horde player to submit...
Here is the screenshot :
Hunter 60 : Wardz
Guild : CBA
Wardz wrote:
I'm the ninja? you are framing me for a act your guildie did... And what is that screenshot its in french and I dont understand what its suppose to prove? but here is proof of your guildie Qsqsq ninjaing my leather from my tag:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeHwSh4 ... e=youtu.be
Name: Qsqsq
Guild: Genesis