Tinkertown wrote:Loot council can help you tie players that are more or less carrying the rest. You don't even have to give them all that much more loot than they would get with dkp, they will still feel sort of indebted to the guild. Running with DKP instead tends to generate more of an "every man for himself" kind of attitude and those people are much more likely to leave.
So yay for LC.
This game was/is about "every man for himself", period. The "guild" part of it only adresses things like killing mobs that cant be soloable, and sadly that's where it ends. Friendships/trust can start and end in minutes, same about everything. Players are invited in guilds based on their performance and get kicked when they become indesirable. Officers/GMS will always try to exploit as much as possible the playerbase under their ranks, and the playerbase is ready to change in an instant their officers/guilds based on what the officers have to offer.
Loot Council is the most retarded idiotic system ever created, since LC = circle of players who dictate who gets what. And how they achieve that? Simply, based on their own personal feelings/experience regarding the target. What if those feelings are not neutral ? What if some member is better than your buddy and doesnt get the loot ?
Happens all the time in LC and will continue to happen until the playerbase will simply refuse to join such guilds.
DkP = life. You go to a job, you get payed, then you go to a shop and try to buy what you want/need.
LC = prostitution. You asskiss the hairy holes of your officers, in order to make them believe you're the right person. "let's give Core Hound Tooth to this guy, he is so nice, comes all the time, always ready to help when we ask".
The "every man for himself" is actually the best part of WoW. It allows Player A to gear accordingly based on what he needs, regardless of what Player B wants/desires/considers. It gives the smart players the tools required to gear faster than the stupid players from the same guild. And yes, if the smart good geared player one day leaves, its always because his current guild is limiting him, in other words, he replaces a crap guild with a more performant one. Let's say you recruit some lock with more experience than your whole guild cumulated, you expect such a player to get his items when YOU and your circle of complete newbies desires? Dream on.
The players that accept LC in their guilds = garbage, spineless morons who can't even think straight. The people that leave LC guilds = people who actually have some brains and realise basic common sense things.