Xylon666Darkstar wrote:Still free server. They didn't make it being paid and to feed the greedy players who want their 'now, now, now!' Mentalities.
I thought that'd been left behind on retail. Oh well.
If you guys want it released sooner ANYWAY, perhaps learn some programming development and assist the devs for free, too! LOL
It's not as easy as you want to believe, in order to feed your greed. They'll tell you when they feel comfortable in doing so. Stop with the selfish behavior.
"Nostalrius Begins is today the only server which has already developped all the retail content : we'll not make you dream about something we haven't, that's for sure ! Feel free to check the videos on the Youtube channel if you still got any doubt about it :
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGzVAP ... kBF4b9mAMw
The fact that we have all the content ready doesn't mean that everything will be available at launch, and this for multiple reasons."
https://forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4#p8They have all of the content ready, they said so November 2nd, 2014. There is no reason to delay it.