by Aquane » Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:43 pm
Kronos allows 1-2 race/faction changes per character for donator currency, which can also obtained through special in-game events, and vanity donation rewards exist
they ban you for blinking through doors instead of making it impossible like Nostalrius does
multiboxing is allowed on Kronos
on Nostalrius, theres no race or faction changes allowed, multiboxing is banned, and blinking through doors was fixed instead of being band-aided by the banhammer
we supposedly will occasionally have events during which xp is optionally boosted to x2 until the even is over, and if the new community allows it, which means you have a say in if it happens or not, they'll allow some beta testers to migrate their 60s here under extremely restricted conditions a few months after launch, but only if you do not oppose them doing that
all of the instances and raids on this server are set to pre-nerf difficulty, but not on Kronos
yes, this does mean someone has to beat pre-nerf C'thun before the devs unlock Naxxaramas, but thats probably the worst of it; regardless, it means that the hardcore players are gonna stay for at least 5 years after the server starts, unless they give up(please don't nerf C'thun)
all cosmetic changes should be completely disallowed here, and I don't see any signs of the devs allowing it, nor do i see signs of the devs ever allowing race or faction changes, which also should not be allowed here
personally I wouldn't mind if name changes were only allowed at level 6-9, and then only by a GM ticket, though it'd probably be alot easier to just disallow name changes altogether, unless a name is deemed offensive or something
and @ kahari, race changes are not just cosmetic changes, that would really turn some people away from this server, and it enables you to minmax really hard if you have enough IRL money to do name changes twice or more a week