56 Alliance quitting

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Re: 56 Alliance quitting

by beercow » Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:58 pm

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Re: 56 Alliance quitting

by grimnarr » Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:19 pm

liekor wrote:http://web.archive.org/web/20070205054028/http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/basics/survivingpvp.html

"The frequency with which hostile players of your level attack you decreases in higher-level regions."

Re: 56 Alliance quitting

by rinron » Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:11 pm

"YOU MADE ME DO THIS" is what children and murdering psychopaths say

Re: 56 Alliance quitting

by Reiker » Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:01 pm

These threads are getting a bit ridiculous.

I play a 60 Orc Warrior. I'm not much of a PvP guy. A few moments ago I flew to Un'goro to try to mine a bit, and as always I landed right in the middle of a group of 60 Alliance camping Marshal's Refuge. So I rez and ride along Fire Plume Ridge until a group of low 50s Alliance (who I had been ignoring) decide to kill me. The first thing I did after rezzing again was kill a solo Paladin. He'll probably be the next one to post a thread about how "abusive" Horde are and that he's quitting the server.

So yeah, it's not nearly as one-sided as everyone says. Zones are constantly swarming with Alliance; sorry if you died once or twice on a PvP server.

Re: 56 Alliance quitting

by Momoh » Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:14 pm

Reiker wrote:These threads are getting a bit ridiculous.

I play a 60 Orc Warrior. I'm not much of a PvP guy. A few moments ago I flew to Un'goro to try to mine a bit, and as always I landed right in the middle of a group of 60 Alliance camping Marshal's Refuge. So I rez and ride along Fire Plume Ridge until a group of low 50s Alliance (who I had been ignoring) decide to kill me. The first thing I did after rezzing again was kill a solo Paladin. He'll probably be the next one to post a thread about how "abusive" Horde are and that he's quitting the server.

So yeah, it's not nearly as one-sided as everyone says. Zones are constantly swarming with Alliance; sorry if you died once or twice on a PvP server.

Sorry about that!
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Re: 56 Alliance quitting

by Præisten » Fri May 01, 2015 3:24 am

You won't be missed. Hope more whiney players quit, since it doesn't matter. We have the population for it.
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Re: 56 Alliance quitting

by Drayen » Fri May 01, 2015 5:45 am

The brother of my brothers friend quit horde because allis only premade and there are no pugs at 60 so he dont have fun in pvp, his other brother just go ganking allis and have fun in pvp. True story.

Re: 56 Alliance quitting

by jimmbo » Fri May 01, 2015 5:46 am

The only reason you guys get creamed world pvp is because anyone whos any good at pvping is farming premades 24/7 your own community is to blame
Check out my 10 Minute Highlight Reel of 3/6's World PvP Raid
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Re: 56 Alliance quitting

by Kha » Fri May 01, 2015 6:30 am

Præisten wrote:You won't be missed. Hope more whiney players quit, since it doesn't matter. We have the population for it.

actually he will be missed by any sane player who realise that currently alliance is only 1/3 of horde total population here. last evening IF had like 150 players, thats a bit under the number of members of my guild. he won't be missed ? hell he will. and when we'll not be able to start a mere wsg cause the queue will go 6 hours and we'll see an AV started only in weekend days, then you'll miss him and every single one you camped for hours and hours till they rerolled to horde or to... kronos :)

Re: 56 Alliance quitting

by jimmbo » Fri May 01, 2015 6:31 am

lol 50 is a drop in the bucket dont be such a baby
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