spinaltap wrote:What a sad state the Alliance mentality is in. These guys guys replying are telling us to not make the Horde angry. Are you fricken kidding me???? I'm going to gank Horde of all levels with the sole purpose of pissing them off. Is the point of leveling to 60 on Alliance to just do BG's and Raids? The best part of Wow is going out in the world and fighting the Horde. Why have we fallen so far?
I encourage all Alliance to fight back and stop being such babies, its embarrassing. This is a game of war, not tiddlywinks. I will try my best to restore some dignity to the Alliance and combat all Horde who step foot in Azeroth. It's not going to be easy and its not going to be immediate but if your reading all these threads about Alliance QQ's, just know we are all not liberal democrats who just want peace. There is hope for us.
I like the cut of your jib, bud. If we ever meet on the field of battle, I'll make sure to corspe camp you instead of the level 48s. And y'now, feel free to do the same to me if you manage to win.