release alterac valley, solve few problems

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Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by pakao » Fri May 01, 2015 9:50 am

There will always be people who can play insane amount of hours so dont worry, horde will have r14s also, same things were happening in vanilla, i personaly played on a server where horde had high queues and got to rank 13 (boulderfist eu), same as here started farming honor when i started leveling, with server launch
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Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by Drayen » Fri May 01, 2015 10:08 am

ceen2 wrote:If you want to go for Rank 13+ you have to reroll alliance or invest a tremendous amount of time.
You will never be able to keep up vs instant queues by ganking low lvls which will be less and less over time.
QQ Horde no rank 13 deal with it.

Absolutly no idea about honor system, but shit talking, bzt...
pls inform before trying to be cool on the internet.

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by Busdriverx » Fri May 01, 2015 10:19 am

ceen2 wrote:If you want to go for Rank 13+ you have to reroll alliance or invest a tremendous amount of time.
You will never be able to keep up vs instant queues by ganking low lvls which will be less and less over time.
QQ Horde no rank 13 deal with it.

Yeah... you don't know how the honor system works
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Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by riq and snog » Fri May 01, 2015 10:33 am

I still think wpvp lowlvl targets should give less honor then loosing bgs.
Wpvp for ranking destroy the casual player
There must be some sollution to this without having a 24/7 lockdown of all 48+ quest lvling content
Its a 1 rate server guys:-)
60 Vs 60 200 honor np
60 Vs 48-59 20 honor?

There will always be ranking on horde massive pop in calculation

U can still do world pvp for griefing n fun but not for ranking
Fight 60s for ranks
riq and snog
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by Drayen » Fri May 01, 2015 10:40 am

if alliance would actually queue for bgs that would be less problem too, i mean there are only premades running arround, i mean about 7 games played u meet 1 pug.
Its not like there are too less allis, they just dont queue if they dont have groups.
-> longer queue times cuz pug allis rarly queue : horde has time to gank
-> horde pugs loosing most games because they only meet premades -> horde goes ganking.
Im not crying i just think that might be a fact.
cant always just search fault at horde side

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by Molten » Fri May 01, 2015 10:50 am

Yes, I would at least give alliance fifty percent of the blame to be honest. I mean, being less 60s than horde and grouping up before they enter battlegrounds? I mean, how fucking dare they - really wish there was a possibility for horde to do the same. This is atrocious behaviour from those alliance idiots, man the fuck up and queue solo okey? Gnome pussies. So yeah, I would definitely put 50-60% (if not even more, this is just really annoying and game-breaking) of the blame on alliance, they are basically forcing horde to be shitheads and massive cunts ganking low lvls at flight paths etc.

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by riq and snog » Fri May 01, 2015 11:00 am

Drayen wrote:if alliance would actually queue for bgs that would be less problem too, i mean there are only premades running arround, i mean about 7 games played u meet 1 pug.
Its not like there are too less allis, they just dont queue if they dont have groups.
-> longer queue times cuz pug allis rarly queue : horde has time to gank
-> horde pugs loosing most games because they only meet premades -> horde goes ganking.
Im not crying i just think that might be a fact.
cant always just search fault at horde side

Make your own premade?
Allys dont want to loose bgs, you dont want to loose bgs
If u want to rank make a premade n beat them.
Do world pvp for griefing i cba but getting more honor per hour farming questing casuals will just enlarge the problem.
U guys dont actually want serious pvp just ezy honor for ranking:-)
Its like getting tier gear in world drops here...
I dont think ally premades are that big of an obstacle here.
If u want to rank start winning bgs dont lock down questing areas.
riq and snog
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by Drayen » Fri May 01, 2015 11:04 am

i dont say anything against premading, if u read right. im just saying that they dont queue if they dont have any.
->there is no way that everyone gets spot in premades etc -> means many just not queing and reducing there numbers literally even more.
on every other server u always meet shitloads of pugs too.

i dont even care about ranking yet though, neither do i grind honor in questing areas.. thats just my 50 cent

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by riq and snog » Fri May 01, 2015 11:18 am

Making a premade takes less work then farming greenies
How can alliance be blamed for winning bgs? this is ridiculus, they just grp que for a honor per hour ratio.
If u cba spending half an hour to get a 10 man grp together to put up a fight in wsg but instead afk out then why blame allys?
Why should you be rewarded with pvp gear if all u do is camping lowlvls?
the que times will just get worse and your still loosing!
here are tips how to make a premade
1 Ask your guild for some hours of pvp
or bring in your pvp friendlist dudes
2 use vent ts or mumble
3get rekt
4 Improve yourself, evaluate the team
5 bring consumables
6 Start wrecking

Allys started premades because tired of loosing
U guys farm lowbies because of it.
There wont be pugs if there are no fresh 60s

Dont farm green players, git gut
riq and snog
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: release alterac valley, solve few problems

by Misa » Fri May 01, 2015 11:48 am

macgarthur wrote:Hear me out. You release AV, odds are there won't even be enough 40s queueing to start a match.

This piece alone is evidence of how little you know of the current situation.
When people found out AV was accesable on the server not too long ago, there were 3, maybe 4 full AV's up. And winning was not one sided (yet).

AV can certainly help. All the negative people here are just doomsday sayers.
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