by alesios73 » Sat May 09, 2015 12:20 pm
What brother Ernestos said its all true, of course its only one side of life. A pvp server is full of gankers, we all been through that through the years, we knew it it wouldnt be different now.
60/40 horde - alliance is totally imbalanced, i dont know if its true, but if it is it needs fixing asap, mainly for Battlegrounds, world pvp and overall experience.
It is sad some horde players still carry minds of 5 year olds, answering to the post with illiterate comments, like "epeen, leet, u die etc.."
this game is based on role playing and noone should forget that, because if something from retail Vanilla will be missed and wont be relived is the world pvp aspect of the game that was based on role playing and i gonna give a typical example, of horde druids ganking ally druids...or vice versa.
Obviously there is no place for another server thats RP pvp or PVE or even only RP, so thats what we get.
Yes there re ways to avoid ganking, like grinding mobs at certain hours during the day, or learning to use the surroundings for hiding places, actions that actually make u use your brain.
Leveling wont be a problem, everyone will get to lvl 60 eventually, especially rogues who have the best life on pvp servers. Now at 60 you can raid you can wpvp you can go BG and grow your rank status, whatever.. hopefully its all there and content will be added.
Now i ll just throw a piece of advice for any ally leveling a toon here.
Use your world chat creatively, i see a lot of trolls on it and idiots who want to be known just by talking crap 24//7. World chat is there for people to find groups, to ask for advice, to go on quests together , to find people for raids etc
Without communication and cooperation the server will fail, alliance side, mainly because vanilla WOW was designed for teamplay from 1-60 and beyond, solo is a no go, unlike the recent expansions.
Tahnk you for reading and i ll see you online, dead or alive.