Eckz <Raptor Squad> is a douchebag (evidence inside)

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Re: Eckz <Raptor Squad> is a toxic person (evidence inside)

by l33tplaya97 » Fri May 01, 2015 7:31 pm

Frankphone wrote:Jimmbo are u gona spam more? Vouching for him and everything, everyone understands that you are a friend of his.

To all ppl saying "what did u expect, you are a feral" or "i wouldnt even bring a feral"

He told me he needed me, if he told me no or maybe i would have no problem with it. But he kept me on a leash for 4-5 hrs and not letting the leash go even when they are inside MC killing bosses he said he would still "try and get me in" (total bullshit)

im the best

Re: Eckz <Raptor Squad> is a toxic person (evidence inside)

by PanTheSatyr » Fri May 01, 2015 7:34 pm

I am sorry you had such an experience, OP.
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Re: Eckz <Raptor Squad> is a toxic person (evidence inside)

by Frankphone » Fri May 01, 2015 7:42 pm

No you are not right. I was gona go to bed but kept myself up to join the raid. Barely slept anything the night b4

And a feral druid has many dutys not only one.
Including: Offtanking / dps (giving a 3% crit aura to party also, not bad at all), innervating healers, Combatress
and since all tanks arent needed very often, a feral can equip dps gear and do ok dps meanwhile. Better then a tank spec warrior in dps gear.

I am aware feral is not the best spec in a raid but it is not bad to have ONE with u.

Thank you PanTheSatyr, i will be fine :)

People complain about every private servers community, saying it's full of BS and assholes. But it's actually you ppl who are the problem. The people making WoW into more then a game, almost your life actually. Relax and let people join in (or atleast show them eneugh respect not to make them w8 4hrs for nothing without a word), or this server is going to hell also. Just saying

Re: Eckz <Raptor Squad> is a toxic person (evidence inside)

by Marhault » Fri May 01, 2015 7:46 pm

No matter what he said, you would be angry. At the time, he knew he needed a tank as one of theirs couldn't show up. Whatever the plans were got canceled or something so his tank was now available. Shitty deal for you, but that is the benefit of joining any raiding guild. You are more likely to get into a raid. You then started insulting him and he didn't bother replying to you anymore that night. The next day, he still went to apologize to you and you came back to him like "You owe me". It's not your place you need to learn but that it is a game. Shit happens and it shouldn't matter at the end of the day, but apparently it's super important to you.

Re: Eckz <Raptor Squad> is a toxic person (evidence inside)

by Membraniac » Fri May 01, 2015 7:51 pm

What's your character name in game Frank? I'm Shizshock.

EDIT: Never mind, checked the screenshot lol
Last edited by Membraniac on Fri May 01, 2015 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eckz <Raptor Squad> is a toxic person (evidence inside)

by Armilus » Fri May 01, 2015 8:02 pm

Based on the convo in the screenshot I will also be avoiding the OP. Seems like a giant pain in the ass and kind of a douche.

Why would you make a thread on the forums that makes yourself look like an insufferable douche?
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Re: Eckz <Raptor Squad> is a toxic person (evidence inside)

by matt » Fri May 01, 2015 8:11 pm

this thread is an embarrassment kiddo you should delete it
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Re: Eckz <Raptor Squad> is a toxic person (evidence inside)

by Membraniac » Fri May 01, 2015 8:16 pm

LOL @ people saying that OP speaking up about getting fucked over is in some way a bad thing. Lots of bullshit enablers playing this game. I guess they probably have to make up for RL insecurities/are rapists, since they also try to destroy the victim's credibility, make them ridiculous and silence them. Plus matt if that's a picture of you that's a stupid tattoo and you give off a rapey vibe.
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Re: Eckz <Raptor Squad> is a toxic person (evidence inside)

by Frankphone » Fri May 01, 2015 8:17 pm

@Marhault - if he at least would let go of the leash in the end when they were alrdy killing bosses i wouldnt be as mad, but he still told me "ill try to get u in" when killing bosses, obvious BS. So after w8ing 5hrs keeping in touch with him and he drops "sorry its full", it is ridiculously douchy.

"You then started insulting him and he didn't bother replying to you anymore that night." - i told him he is a very ignorant person and what he had done was amazingly douchy, keeping me on a leash for 4-5hrs AND STILL KEEPING IT..

Dude, its not like its empty insults, it was exactly what he was doing. He was still keeping me on a leash AFTER 5 HRS! u see nothing wrong with that? he was in MC killing bosses, and still told me "full for now but ill try and get you in" instead of "im sry man i messed up there is no room for you" (i would have accepted that apology)

He told me i had a spot, not that i "might have a spot", there is a big difference. We talked things over, i told him i bought consumables etc., he asked me personal questions and telling me if I get loot i need to pass loot to rest of the raid.

He didnt just "went to apologize" to me, i was telling the world chat how he treated me the day b4 and he didnt like that, so he decided to apologize then to stop me from spreading the word, and because i knew that was the reason he wrote me i had that attitude. Otherwise he should have wrote me immidietly, not when i start writing in world chat.

Shit happens is ok, dont try to keep the leash up on a person after 5hrs when u know he isnt going to have a spot. That is not "shit happens", it is mega douchy

And Matt - you are the most embarrassing person ever. You should delete your whole face horseface


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