Cody121 wrote:the point of this server is to farm the BiS gear for each tier and be a real vanilla wow raider.. not this "oh we downed rag 3 times already, so i wont show up to raids because im bored"..
The purpose of a "progression" server, like it was advertised, is to keep content challenging by having a timeline that doesn't allow everyone to be fully BiS geared when new content gets released. Guilds on retail vanilla were clearing AQ 40 with many players still in blues. That's why it was challenging for them.
Doing it in full t2 + BWL BiS is as easy as it can get.
Cody121 wrote:Even if your t1 isnt good for you, like most classes in this tier.. just get it any way.. it looks cool sitting in IF while you AFK because you have "nothing better to do"... second, it gives you purpose for logging on to do raids..
there are plenty of people who continue to raid just to be able to raid.. getting gear is not top priorty for quite a few players.. the actual content and grouping with 39 other players to slay pixels quite enjoyable..
you want something to do? go play arch age.. that game is for ever grinding.. but i also bet you are the kind of person that goes "this is way to grindy, whaaaaaaa, make it easier".. which is why retail wow is the way it is now.
do us all a favor and just go away.. you are so toxic.
One of the reasons why retail wow is the way it is now is that people kept whining (and blizz listening) about not being able to reach any kind of gear/progress level with minimal effort/time investment. That's what I'm reading here: You want guilds that have been clearing all content for months now (20+ guilds) to wait for absolutely everyone to do the same before new releases.
Cody121 wrote:so when they release BWL and you clear it in a month and have it on farm, will you be back here complaining for them to release AQ? and when thats on farm, then naxx? so you will be in full t3 with all BiS off pieces and r13 gear by the end of the year..then what.. you bitch about the TBC server not being released?
The more content is available already the easier it is for raiding guilds wait a content gap out. Clearing one raid + Onyxia in < 2 hours once a week with a chance of getting ~1-2 real gear upgrades for the whole 40 man raid doesn't last very long. (Keep in mind that keeping a 40 man raiding guild going on a vanilla private server is not an easy task at all during farm content.)
Like many already covered, the pre 1.4 gear burns people out even faster because raiding easy farm content without any type of "progress feeling" (in terms of gear upgrades for the raid) gets dull very fast, especially when most of the really good items don't even drop yet. (A chance on bindings and rare items like Quick Strike Ring etc. always spice the farming up a little bit which is needed during MC content^^)
Furthermore, it's hard to keep ppl motivated over weeks to scout and go for world bosses like Kazzak when he only drops rather irrelevant items which will get replaced after DM release since 90 % of his loot table came after 1.4.
Tam wrote:Nostarius launch killed those projects, not holding content
probably some1 forgot that feenix was most populated project even with KT delayed for TWo years ?
Why do you think did people give up on their toons they've been playing for years in a heartbeat when Nost got released?
Because most people have been looking for alternatives for months/years, but there weren't any.
So yes, holding back content for ages on other servers (and a broken progress line, since everyone and their alts were fully BiS geared ready to oneshot new content) was a major reason.